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I Wasn't Hatched Yesterday

SUMMARY: The Guardians invent a way to travel dimensions, and decide to check one close to theirs out. How were they to know everyone would be 10 years younger?

“So what’re we doing today?” Nosedive asked over breakfast.
Missie set down her coffee cup. “Actually, I think I’ve found a new dimension. If nobody minds, I think I’ll check it out after practice.”
Wildwing filled his mug and sighed. “Y’know, since it’s such a quiet day why don’t we join you?”
Tanya pushed her glasses up higher on her beak. “I got a lot of useful readings from our last venture. Another exploration of dimensions might be good for science.”
“Science, schmiece,” Mallory said flippantly. “I got some great clothes at that last place.”
Duke fingered the ring he wore thoughtfully, “It was profitable.”
Grin smiled thoughtfully. “I found it an excellent place for meditation.”
“Yeah, well all that none with standing, don’t forget we nearly got fried last time.” Nosedive said, leaning forward, almost spilling his coffee until Missie moved it out of the way.
“True,” Missie said calmly, “But that was our own fault. I say we blow this Popsicle stand and check out the new dimension.”
“Alright!” Nosedive cried, standing up so fast his chair went flying backwards. “Let’s go!”
“Ah-” Wildwing held up a finger. “After practice.”


“Everyone buckled in?” Missie said with a grin. She and Nosedive had created a platform months ago, that had several seats on it all tightly bolted down. The platform itself was not attached to anything, which was so that Missie could easily teleport it.
Missie and Nosedive strapped themselves into their seats at the front of the platform and Missie gave Nosedive the thumbs up Nosedive raised his hand and created a shimmering green energy barrier around them, then nodded at the other.
Missie raised her hands, and with a wrenching feeling, the platform disappeared.
The platform and its occupants ripped through space like some deranged roller coaster ride. Energy laced out through space, racing around the platform, but Nosedive’s barrier held.
Suddenly everything stopped, and they found themselves in front of a building that looked exactly like the Pond they knew. The city around them looked normal, but when they stepped into the locker room in the Pond they know immediately something was different.
“Hmm.” Missie said thoughtfully. “Where Nosedive’s and my jerseys be?’
“And why would Phil have a jersey?” Mallory asked with a derisive snort. “He can’t play hockey.”
Tanya went to the controls for the elevator and removed a panel. “Wiring and codes exactly the same. I must’ve built it here two.” She punched the entry code in, and the door slid open.
The team stepped in and came out a moment later into the Ready Room. Strewn across the floor were toys, books, and in general, a chaotic mess.
“Looks like my room,” Nosedive said as he watched Tanya work her way through the mess to Drake1.
Suddenly they heard the screams of a young child, and Wildwing said “Sounds like you when you were a kid, Dive.”
As if on cue, a small child barreled into the room. He stopped short when he saw the team. “Wingy?” he whispered, tottering towards Wildwing. “How’d you get here so fast?”
Suddenly another duck, stormed into the room. “Nosedive! I said…” he stopped suddenly and stared at them. “What the…”
“No fair1” the little child cried angrily. “Wingy’s everywhere!”
“That’s the most eloquent way I’ve ever heard it put,” Grin said suddenly
“What is going on here!?” the new arrival demanded. He had no mask on, but he was obviously Wildwing, only about 12 years younger.
Missie stepped forward. “We’re the Might Ducks of Anaheim, and…”
“Oh no you’re not,” ‘Wildwing’ interrupted. “We are! Except. You look like us.”
“You might say that,” Mallory sight. “Or we could’ve somehow gotten into a time machine instead of a inter-dimensional traveler, MISSIE.”
Missie’s eyes glowed red, a sign she was angry. “Listen to me Mallory MacMallard. You didn’t have to come along on this trip. You came of your own free will. Isn’t that right, Nosedive?”
“Yeah!” chimed Nosedive and the small child at the same time. Realizing what happened, they both turned and stared at each other.
“I’m Nosedive,” Nosedive said, placing his hand on his armored chest.
“No, me!” the young child said, mimicking Nosedive’s action.
Missie got down on one knee near the little duck and said. “you can be Divey, and he’ll be Nosedive okay?”
Divey’s face lit up in a delighted grin. “Me like you,” he said, hugging her leg as she stood up.
Wildwing, the younger, cleared his throat. “May I ask what’s happening?”
Wildwing, the elder, drew in a deep breath. “It’s like this,” he began. “Nosedive and Missie are Guardians. They developed a technique which allows them to travel through the dimensions. Unfortunately, though they themselves could go back to Puckworld they are forbidden by Guardian law to bring us back.”
“In recent months we have done much exploration of the dimensions, though we are careful to chose those which are similar to our own dimension. “ At that he gave Missie a sideways glance that clearly shower what he thought. “We discovered your dimension and decided to explore it. We didn’t quit expect anything like this.”
“But we’re never relay sure what to expect.” Missie explained, stepping forward. “Sometimes it’s similar to our own, some time’s it’s ridiculously weird.”
Suddenly the sound of voices came from the hallway, and a small group stepped in. Foremost of the group was a highly fit, handsome human with brown hair and a distinctive purple suit and long purple, and yellow tie.
“Phil?!” Mallory gasped in shock.
“Yeah?” the human asked, noticing the other team for the first time. “Say, what’s going on?”
A young Mallory, her hair even wilder and longer than Mallory’s stepped forward and slowly walked around the elder. “Y’know, if I didn’t know better. I’d say you’re an older me,” she said.
“I am an older you,” Mallory snapped. “We’re from a different dimension where everybody’s older.”
“Wow,” she said. “So I’m gonna turn out like you? Not bad.”
A young Grin, identical to the Elder except in size and he had a bandanna wrapped around his head, stepped up to Grin and looked up at him in quiet awe.
“Impressive,” he said, his voice deep and gravely.
Suddenly, a young Tanya, with her long blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail, noticed Tanya standing at the console of Drake1. “Hey!” she cried, running forward. “What are you doing?”
Tanya turned quickly, smiling innocently. "I work with computers. I ah-just wanted to see it."
Young Tanya frowned. "I don't think I can believe you."
Tanya paused, then grinned. "Hey, I know! Ever been to 'Lectric Land? There's reductor animation computer console chips in the third-last row."
Young Tanya grinned. "Hey, that's right!"
The team let out a collective sigh of relief as both Tanya's started chatting in rapid, complex words. At least somebody trusted them.
“Say, what’s this?” What looked like a young Duke, minus the white hair, reached over and plucked the clip Missie was wearing from her hair. He whistled softly, “Wow. These real?”
He held up the clip, which was about the size of his hand when out stretched and studded with inch diameter diamonds.
Missie snatched it back. “Yes they’re real. I worked long and hard to steal those.”
Woah,” the young Duke said. “Steal?”
The Elder Duke came up beside him. “Ya’ deaf kid? She said she stole ‘em. Ya’ got a problem with dat?”
He shrugged. “Na. It’s just she’s a girl, ya’ know?”
“Oh, he’s me when I was young all right.” Duke said, rolling his eyes.
Missie turned to glare at him, her eyes hardening. “I happen to be the one who stole the Montecristo Diamonds.” She seethed.
“Yo! Relax girlie!”
Duke groaned. “Look, we may not’ve had the best introduction, but can’t we work it out?”
“Well,” the young Wildwing began, but was suddenly a siren started to wail.
“ It’s a Saurian attack!” the young Tanya cried.
“We have to get to the Arrowing,” the young leader cried, but Missie held up her hands.
“Ah. Allow me,” she snapped her fingers, and suddenly both teams stood on a street, where several Saurians stood facing them.
Tanya looked at the Saurians, and saw Wraith. His normally crinkled horns were strait and even, his age bears was nonexistent, and he was tall, not bent over.
“He looks like Tolaïna,” Tanya finally whispered.
Nosedive looked critically at Wraith. “Minus the beak and blue hair, of cause.”
“Enough!” A younger Dragaunus roared. “What are these other ducks? I demand an explanation.”
Missie motioned to Nosedive, and stepped forward. “Wonna bet Draggy? Oh, and Wraith, your looking good.”
Wraith started, and with a flick of his wrist, he sent a fireball streaking towards her. A split second before it hit her, it seemed to ricochet off an invisible barrier.
Missie calmly lifted her hand and threw her tckla at him. Wraith leapt to the side, and stared at Missie with wide, incredulous eyes as she caught it.
Missie shrugged. “A little Guardian gift.”
Nosedive, the elder, suddenly lifted his hands, and the Saurian suddenly stumbled back. He waved gently, and they began to be forced back, one step at a time.
Dragaunus gave them all a doleful glare, then with a barked command, they disappeared.
Missie's comm beeped, and she opened it, and studied it for a moment. She then waved her hand and the Ducks teleportation platform appeared. “I just got an emergency message from Christé. They need us there.”
Tanya sighed and smiled., “I got all I needed,” remembering the young Wraith.
The team began to pile onto the platform and Missie gently hugged the little Nosedive. “I’ll see you someday, Divey.’
As the platform began to rise, ‘Divey’ waved eagerly, and Nosedive caught Missie wiping tears from her eyes. “You were a cute kid, my Dive,” she whispered. “I hope are kids are as cute.”
Nosedive started, then smiled at her. “With you as the mother Missie, they can’t help but be cute.”
They both laughed, and disappeared into their own dimension.

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