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Stratos' He-Man and the MOTU Character Bios: The Good Guys
These images came from Jacob's Page.
The action figure images came from Adam Tyner's Page.
The picture of Stratos came from Dree Elle via e-mail.

If anyone has any more pictures of Stratos I can use, please let me know!!


Prince Adam

The Prince on Eternia, Adam is the young man who was given the mystical Power Sword after he was led to Castle Grayskull by his friend, Man-At-Arms. With this sword he can transform into He-Man, the most powerful man in the universe. Although Prince Adam has this power, he keeps it a secret from his mother and father, Queen Marlena and King Randor. His faithful tiger friend, Cringer, is almost always at his side.
Action Figure


Cringer, Prince Adam's faithful tiger friend, is scared of anything. Really. Anything. He is always fearful of Adam turning into He-Man because he knows that it will involve him as well. When Adam points the Power Sword at Cringer, he becomes the mighty Battlecat, who fears no one.


He-Man, the most powerful man in the universe, is also the defender of Eternia. With his mighty Battlecat, he defends Eternia from the evil forces of Skeletor. His powers were given to him by the Sorceress, the Guardian of Castle Grayskull, who is also one of the only people who know his true identity. The other two people who know that Prince Adam and He-Man are one and the same are Man-At-Arms and Orko.
Action Figure


Battlecat is the cat on which He-Man rides. Although as Cringer he's afraid of just about everything, as Battlecat he dosen't fear anything and is always ready to lend a helping hand in any situation.
Action Figure


Man-At-Arms, who's real name is Duncan, is the leader of King Randor's Palace Guards. Swift and agile, he is a skilled warrior as well as a brilliant scientist. He spends a lot of his time doing different experiments and inventing many things, but is always ready to help He-Man when a problem arises. He is a friend of the Sorceress, who gave her daughter Teela to him to raise, and is the one who first led Prince Adam to Castle Grayskull.
Action Figure


Teela is the step-daughter of Man-At-Arms. She is a remarkably skilled warrior and helps He-Man out in many situations. She sometimes wears snake-shaped armor and carries a snake-headed staff. She has no knowledge that the Sorceress is her true mother.
Action Figure


The Sorceress is the guardian of Castle Grayskull. A powerful and magical being, the Sorceress can change herself into a bird called Zoar. She is also the true mother of Teela, who was raised by Man-At-Arms. The fact that Teela has no knowledge of her hurts her deeply. It was because of her fear that Skeletor would find out about Teela being her daughter and would use her to try to gain control of Castle Grayskull, that the Sorceress gave her child to Man-At-Arms. She wants very much to one day tell Teela that she is her mother, but in the meantime helps He-Man protect Eternia.
Action Figure


Known to most people as He-Man's gray flying friend, Stratos is my absolute favorite character in the He-Man universe. (Yeah, like you didn't already know that!) Stratos dwells in the mountain-top city of Avion with his fellow Birdmen. He is extremely agile, strong and quick, and he helps He-Man in tough situations.
Action Figure


Orko is a magical being that helps He-Man protect Eternia from Skeletor. Though sometimes his magic spells don't quite work, it was because of him that Adam became He-Man in the first place. Having accidentally arrived on Eternia via a portal, Orko saved Prince Adam from falling into a tar pit. If this had not been done, there would be no Prince Adam and certainly no He-Man. Orko is also one of the only people who knows of He-Man's true identity.
Action Figure
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