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PikaTHIS! Pictures

Sit back and relax as they load, especially if yor connection is slow. But they're worth the little wait.

Pikachu as Dr. Evil
It seems like some of those cheap Pokemon toys cost *puts his pinky to his mouth* 1 million dollars!

Sarah Conner?
You're terminated!

Pikachu as a Borg
Just goes to show you how stupid the Borg were for assimilating in Pikachu...

Gundam Deathscythe and Pikachu
Duo just couldn't take Pika! Pika! anymore

Gohan punches Pikachu
Gohan gets pissed off at Piccilo...errr...Pikachu

Pikachu being frozen
Pikachu is frozen in liquid nitrogen, ala Terminator II

Pikachu being burned at the stake
The Salem witch trials were marginally successful (at least they got one real witch)

A cute little icon of Pikachu getting burnt

Dog attack!
Pikachu strays onto someone's property (to steal something, no doubt), so the guard dogs are sent in to take care of the infernal rat

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All original content made by Pikathis staff. You cannot use anything anywhere else without our express written permission. If Nintendo doesn't like these pictures, we are protected by the Fair Use Law, which allows copyrighted pictures like Pikachu to be used in parody (which this is, obviously).