(Micky walkes into the Club Camelot, asks the watier for a cold drink and falls into his chair and sighs heavly. He starts to beat drum patterns with his fingers on the table. Davy, Mike, and Peter are sitting at a table next to him.)

Mike: OK, let's see. I can play the guitar; Peter, you can play the piano and bass; and Davy, you can be the tambourine player and front man.

Davy: And marca player. I had training in both.

Mike: Yeah, now all we need is a drummer.

(Micky then looks over at the table next to him with his eyes wide. He puts down his drink and slowly walks up behind Mike at the table)

Micky: I coun't help but here you were looking for a drummer.

Peter: Yeah do you know anybody that would be intersted?

Micky: I sure do; me.

Mike: Any good?

Micky: I say I am. Are you guys a group or something?

Mike: We're trying to get one started. Let's see what ya got.

(Micky pulls out two pens fron his pocket and after twirling them around his fingers, begind banging out riffs on the edge of the table hitting Peter's glass as a symbol. he thne makes a big ending, twirls his pens around again and puts them back into his pocket like a gun slinger. The three are stunned.)

Peter: WOW! I've never seen anyone drum like that before. Want to join us?

Micky: Sure!

(Micky joined over at there table.)

Davy: What's your name?

Micky: Micky...Micky Dolenz.

Davy: I'm David Jones but you can call me Davy

Mike: I'm Mike Nesmith

Peter: And I'm Peter Tork.

Micky: Pleased to meet you. So, what's the name of your group?

Mike: Well, it's a--it's--Gee, I guess we don't have one yet. We're still just getting started.

Micky: Oh. Do you have any ideas?

Peter: Well, not really. Maybe we should pick one.

(They each start looking around the room. Peter looks over at a poster with a gaint ape on it.)

Peter: How 'bout The Monkeys?

Davy: Monkeys? I like it.

Micky: Why don't we change a letter like the Beatles and the Byrds. It makes it look more original.

Mike: How about instead of a 'y' an 'e'.

Peter: Yay. (gets a a napkin, takes aour a pencil from his pocket, and writes it down) I like it. The Monkees; It even looks right.

****Micky's aparmenet March 24th 1965*********

(The guys have just finished jaming together with a Beatles tune when a knock comes from the front door.)

Micky: I'll get that. (Opens door;) Oh, hi Mr. Babbit.

Babbit: Dolenz, I've told you I don't like that rock n' roll. You're making way to much noise. The neighboors are complaining; my phone is ringing off the hook. If you don't keep it down I'm going to have to kick you out.

Micky: Well Mr. Babbit, I have been thinking; do you happen to have any bigger aparments? I mean, now with my new roommates, the place is getting a bit cramped.

Babbit: I own relistate on the beach with a couple of aparments.

(Mike, Davy, and Peter join him at the door.)

Mike: Are there any for sale?

Babbit: I got one for rent.

Peter: We'll take it.

Davy, Mike, and Micky: PETER!

Micky: How much is the rent going for?

Babbit: $58 a month.

Mike: Lets talk about this real quick. Hold on!

(They all get in a huddle and start tallking gibberish with each other. Afterwards, they all get up and face Mr. Babbit int eh doorway.)

Monkees: We'll take it!

Babbit: Well, I don't know; will you guys be able to keep up with the rent?

Davy: Between the four of us, of course. How can't we?

Babbit: All right; we'll see about that. I'll come back and show you around the beach house.

(Babbit then leaves and Micky closes the door.)

Mike: Imange that. We're almost all the way set and it's only been a week.

Davy: There's only one more thing left.

Mike: What's that?

Davy: A car!

Micky: I haven't had a car since I stopped borrowing my mom's.

Peter: When was that?

Micky: When I moved out of the house. (Micky appears to get an idea) But I know where we can get a car.

Mike, Davy, and Peter: Where?

Micky: My buddy Niles is selling his GTO for cheep and he's been bugging my to buy it.

Davy: Is it big enough?

Micky: Is it big? It's huge and a piece of junk too. It needs some serious painting and some tuning btu hey, I've worked on car before.

Peter: That sounds great. Lets go and meet this friend of yours.

(Micky walks over to the phone and dials Niles' number.)

Micky: Hey Ni, it's Mick--No I didn't get another bowling alley gig. Listen, that GTO still up for sale?

(In Niles' apartment, Niles is sitting in front of his TV in his chair talking on the phone)

Niles: Still up? Geezz, I've gotten calls from people who will pay me to bring it down. But that doesn't mean it's a bad car.

(Micky's apartment...)

Micky: Yeah, it's worse but hey, I might be able to take it off your hands. I've got some friends here who are interested--Well, yeah it's a new group--No Niles we are NOT playing at bowling alleys--Well listen, how much you selling it for?--$350? For that piece of junck--No, no Tha'ts alright. Listen, I'm gonna bring my friends down to see it tomorrow--Thanks man. Later (He hangs up the phone and turns to the others.) We're getting a car.

Mike: Yeah man but how're we suppose to get down to where your friend lives?

Micky: He doesn't live too far away.

Davy: Man, I'm tired. What time is it?

Peter (looking at his watch): I've got 12:45am.

Micky (looking at his watch): I've got 9:45pm. Pete, did you like forget to set your watch when you came to LA?

Peter: I thought these modern watches set themselvs.

Mike: Oh Peter.

******NILES' PLACE March 25th, 1965*******

(Niles and Micky are standing back as Mike, Peter, and Davy inspect the car. It is a weather-beaten GTO. IT is a huge convertible type car with a front seat and two backseats. The appolstery is a beaten tan coloer and the top is doen. The car itself it an old faded blue color with scratches and what appears to me a number printed on the side; number 19)

Davy (looking at the number): What's with the 19, Niles?

Niles: Oh, this use to be a drag racing car My friends and I won. It was the fastest car on the tracks.

Mike: Well, what happened to it.

Micky: Someone put the wrong kinda gas in it a blew up the engine (turning to Niles), Isn't that right Ni?

Niles: I dind't know it took unleaded. I was just the window washer.

Micky: The engines pretty much blown, the transmision stincks, and the tires are 10 years old at least.

Peter: How much you figure it'll be to fix her up?

Micky: Well, with my know-how on cars I would say...about...maybe...$500 if we give it to a mechanic.

Davy: $500? We can't aford that.

Niles: I'll tell ya what, if you're willing to fix up the car and make it as good as new, I'll just give ya the car no charge.

Mike: Really Niles? Ya mean it?

Niles: Sure. You have to pay for the towing but I'll give ya the car.

Micky (sarcasticly): Thanks Ni, that's real sweet of you.

(The four then gather in a huddle again. niles stays in the back.)

Mike: This is a great deal for this car but we stil can't aford to repairs.

Peter: Wait a minute. I have an idea...

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