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Share us your effort

- You must be a positive member and not just a passive receiver, so in order to take your colleague's effort you must share them your own effort.

- Send us your project ( table, picture, summary, organization... etc ) anything that will help your colleagues (3rd grade) by email attachment to our mail address ( ).

- Don't forget to send the name you want to be displayed on your project when uploaded to the downloads area.

- You may send your reference if you wish.

- Once you send us this attachment we'll send you the monthly password to see the other notes of your colleagues.

- Please revise your project  for correct scientific informations.

- Note that the following attachment extensions will not be accepted for security reasons: { EXE , BAT , COM , DLL , VBS , SCR , PIF }.

- Please don't satisfy with sending one item and try to be beneficial to your colleagues.

- All the notes will be published one month before the final exams to benefit all students even  those who didn't send us anything.