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First term notes

- micro: comparison between TH & TC & NK by tolbico

- micro: comparison between TH 1 & 2 in a better way by tolbico

- micro: comparison between Ig G & M by tolbico

- micro: comparison between light & heavy chain in antibody structure by tolbico

- micro: comparison between MHC I & II by tolbico

- Pathology: comparison between fine & coarse bilharzial periportal fibrosis ( Ref. Gamal nada) by tolbico

- Pathology: comparison between carcinoma & sarcoma ( Ref. Gamal Nada ) by tolbico

- Pathology: comparison between benign & malignant tumours ( Ref. Gamal Nada ) by tolbico

- Pathology: comparison between benign tumours of Mesenchymal origin ( Ref. Gamal Nada ) note that word size is adjusted for printing if you want to read it on your computer change the view options by tolbico

- Pathology: comparison between all ulcers taken in the general pathology  Ref. Gamal Nada ) by tolbico

- Pharmacology: collections in α & β agonists and ordered funtions of Histamine and comparison between different antihistamincs by tolbico


Second term notes

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