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Pays-de-la-Loire Day #7: Saint Malo  8/9/03 Sat Home

  Enough sight-seeing. Today we go to the beach, if for no other reason than it's not a real vacation unless you go home with a tan. bust out the sunscreen and sunglasses, hope you brought your swimsuit. It's fresh seafood and ice cream all day! ...We'll need it, because it's going to be a long drive to get here...about 6 hours or so from Angers.

I miss the ocean....

Hotels of Saint Malo Homepage

hotel option #1: Annick & Andre Blin  13, rue de la Baie 35350 St-Méloir-des-Ondes (map) Tel: (+33 0) 2-99-89-29-76   44€ per night for 2.

hotel option #2: Hotel d'Aleth  2 rue des Hauts-Sablons (map)    35400 SAINT-MALO   Tél. : 02 99 81 48 08 - Fax : 02 99 81 16 92  52.00 € per night for 2  Has a dockside casual bar downstairs. can be kinda loud at night....and it's right by a large beach! 


hotel option #3: La Brasserie Armoricaine  6 rue du Boyer
35 400 SAINT MALO T. (33) 02 99 40 89 13 Fax. (33) 02 99 40 46 42  39 € per night for 2, breakfast is 5 € each.

#4: Les Charmettes  64 Boulevard de Hébert - Courtoisville
35400 Saint Malo Phone +33 2 99 56 07 31 Fax +33 2 99 56 85 96  42.00  52€ per night for 2. (with bathroom and TV, 37 w/out ocean view)

On the a lovely beach. room private parking! I like this one!

view from room

  St. Malo aerial view

St. Malo and Mt. St. Michel area

Far Micheline

St. Malo

