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Click for map of Centre region Day #4: Leave Paris/go to Blois  8/6/03 Wed Home



Interior stairs


You guessed it! We're getting up early again! It's time to hit the road. After we get kicked out of the hotel by 9:15 am, we have to go rent a car. We'll have to rent from Avis because it's the cheapest. They only want $310.00 w/AWD code K520400 for 10 days, for a Toyota Yaris or similar. I figure it will take about 2 hours to get this done, so we should be on the road by 11:30 or so, and if we're lucky we'll find our way out of Paris by about 12:30! ...(there's a map below for that!) ...Note to self: Don't forget to get insurance on the car, and review the driving rules!

Our destination is Blois, just past Orleans, at this bed and breakfast ...It should be about a 3 hour drive thru lovely countryside and into the beginning of the upper Loire river valley. Maybe we'll feel like stopping in Orleans for lunch.

If we are on time to get there by 3pm or so as I plan, we can go see the castle of Chambord, which is on the way. It's a marvel of architecture dating back to the 15 century, built by King Francis. For more about the castle click here. It's one of my favorites.


Sncf Gare D'Austerlitz, 13th, Paris, 75013, France
(33) 01 45 84 22 10
Sun 7:30AM-12:30PM
3PM-12:00AM; Mon-Fri 7AM-09:30PM;     Sat 7:30AM-1:30PM or

Hotel speaks English



du samedi 1er avril au dimanche 30 septembre : de 9 h 00 à 18 h 15
plein tarif : 7 euros par personne

Sur la place du village, l'espace "Chambord Accueil" renseigne et assure les réservations des lieux d'hébergement et de restauration, ainsi que des autres sites touristiques du Pays des châteaux.
tel : 02 54 33 39 16
fax : 02 54 33  34 73
e-mail :


To take a virtual picture tour of Chambord, click here.




Avis Close

Avis Far

Avis to Blois Close


Written Directions


Hotel Close

Hotel Far


Avis to Chambord


Written Directions

postal code 41250

Chambord to Blois


Written Directions



