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Click for map of Ile-de-France region Day #1: Paris  8/3/03 Sun. Home


Land at Charles-de-Gaul airport in Paris at 9am, local time, after a 14 hour flight. Funny thing is, we'll leave on August first and get there on August third!. I'll allow about 3 hours to go through customs, exchange currency, and figure out how to get out of the airport. I remember it being VERY confusing. Take a bus, or if we have to a taxi, to our hotel. $47.85/ per night. Drop off  all our stuff. Spend the rest of the day eating, napping, and walking around... Just in case we're actually old enough to get jetlag. Possibly walk over and see the 'Sacré Coeur', or, if we're really lazy, take the bus. Hotel:

122 Boulevard de la Chapelle,

$22.63 per night for private room

 Speaks English


Open: Basilica: 6.45 a.m.-11 p.m., Dome and crypt: 9 a.m.-6 p.m. - late night opening: Basilica: 11 p.m.
Prices: Basilica: free access - Dome, crypt: 15 FF each.

to hotel



To Sacré Coeur

