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Uploading FrontPage Web onto the Internet

To: Primary 5 pupils of RVPS

As I was not able to conduct the final two lessons, I do not have your project files in my possession. Therefore, I am unable to upload any of the projects. Nevertheless, I have produced a simple uploading guide over here for you to print out and try on your own.

Done by Mr Darren Tan (Freelance I.T Trainer)


There are several web hosting companies that offer free space on the Internet for you to upload your FrontPage Web. In exchange for giving you free web space, the web hosting companies will attach some advertisements in pop-up banners to your website. So whenever anyone visits your website, the advertisements will appear. An example is shown below.




Angelfire is one of the most well-known web hosting companies that provide free web space.


  To start learning how to upload your FrontPage Web using Angelfire,

  just click on the Angelfire logo.