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Noizy Acres Kennels & Cattery


Dogz Breedz
Catz Breedz
Wild Dog Kennel
My Petz
All About Yours Truley

Go to Noizy Acres Kennels!

(just paste the two lines above tou your site!)

(not to flashy, but no one will make me one and I haven't a clue about making them myself.) 

Welcome to Noizy Acres Kennels and Cattery!

To all you Petz out there, welcome to your second home!

Here at NAK we specialize in showable UK Setters, Wild dog breeds, and even more! Many breedfiles to download, links to awsome sites, adoptions, litters, showz for all pets, boarding, and more! Whatever you do, don't click out of this site before you've seen the showz page!

Sorry to you who have already entered and have not been judged yet, I know how annoying that is, but you can not judge with only one petz in one show! Please enter more Petz!

Before you leave, please vote for us at Petz Top 50! We'd really apreciate it!

If you are going on a LOOOONNNNGGGG vacation, and you wn't have a computer, then you can send your dogz to me, and I will take care of them! Then, when you get back, just email me saying you want your Petz back, and viola, there you go! (Also works good when grounded from computer)

This is a Petz 4 site, but it WILL become a Petz 5 in the near future!

(some of) My Petz:


Please, please, please? (*puppy eyes*)


Vote for me in Pond Shelter's Top 20 Sitez

  Dont ask me silly questions,

I won't play silly games,

I'm just a simple Westland horse,

And I'll always be the same.

I only want to race along,

Beneath the bright blue skys,

And me a simple Westland horse,

'Till the day I die.


