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The adventures and ramblings of....

Terry M. Nelson

When Terry was just a year old the Australian population was less than 9 million. Holden had started making cars and petrol was 6 shilling a gallon(about $0.11 cents a litre). We didn't have television, let alone colour, LCD or LED TV, and even 3D TV like today. I cant wait for holographic TV myself. 1956-1961 we lived in a house that had wood burning stove, a wood chip water heater in the bathroom, an open fireplace in the living area. The house was on 5 acres ( aprox: 2 hectacres). With cows in the back paddock and surrounded by chicken, pig and other farms. It was our very own green vally. Today the house has long gone and the paddock is now a sports field all the farms have gone also. These days the paddock is surrounded roads and houses for as far as the eye can see with a population in the tens of thousands. The entire area is now called `Green Vally`.
Istarted school aged 5. I dont remember my first day at school, but I do remember not likeing school and somehow managed to runaway home and hide under the house. At the time it was deemed nesscary that all pupils were given, and expected to drink, a quatter of pint of milk every school day. It didn't matter that the milk might have been in the sun for a coupple of hours and was useally warm. When about 7-8 years old I and every kid in school had to line up for a Measles vacine injection. Most of us were terrified of the needle and there was lots of tears. The following year I was gratefull that the Polio vacine was syrup on a spoon instead of a needle. Immumization was compulsory in the day, a good thing i think, as now we can be thankfull that those old dieases have been all but eradicated in Australia. Scroll down to read on.or CLICK! on the links.....

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Everything was pound, shillings and pence. Measurments of inch, feet and yards were in use. Cars traveled in MPH(miles per hour). Time was read on a analog watch with hands and there was no such thing as a digital culculator.
Water came from a tap, milk came from cows, not vegatables. We didnt have a inside loo back then, we used the out house. The outhouse was a small building in the middle of the backyard. A man would come in the middle of the night and take the tar coated 5 gallon(25 litre) can away then replace it with a empty freshly tared can. I still rember the tar smell.
Bread was delivered by the baker, milk by the milkman and the fruit and vegi man would cart his fruit and veg up and down all the local streets calling out his arrival "fruit n veg...fruit n veg". It seems unbelivable, however true, cash money was left outside usually on the front doorstep, it was left out for the baker and milkman to collect.
At the petrol station a man would come out to your car and fill your tank. While he was filling your tank he would wash your windscreen then check your oil, you could even check and fill your tyres right there at the pumps. Automatic gearbox cars were rare. Cars never had seatbelts or even indicators (drivers would use hand signals to indicate stopping or turning) you could drink and drive, no limits no breathtesting back then. The good old days wernt nessesally better than now, maybe just less complicated.
I do enjoy new technology, and seatbelts, helmets and drink driving laws save lives. These days we have computers, Blu-tooth, ipod this and ipad that, we have credit cards with access to online bank accounts, we order and pay for goods over the net then print out our own tickets to events on the lazer printer at home. Most of the photos on this site were taken with my mobile phone, thats right a phone. A Nokia N95. Amazing days. It gets complicated however because you have to deal with so many faceless company's and there terms and conditions, rules, regulations, policy. We have to memorise phone numbers, pin numbers, account numbers, alarm codes, passwords, log in and sign out names not to mention email address. and it goes on. Things happen quicker these days. Microwave ovens, instant coffee, e.mail etc: even words and phrases are reduced to letters to make even talking faster. We live in a world of acronyms. Some common acronyms you might use or herd are. ASAP(as soon as possible); ATM(automatic teller machine); BYO(bring your own); DND(do not disturb) not to mention texting with the likes of lol, brb, rofl, f2f, fyi not forgetting the acronyms i used in the first paragraph of this blog, and there are a million more. The most famous acronym "WWW" for "world wide web" actually takes longer to say than the words themself. OMG.

I'm the 2nd owner of this BMW motorcycle.
I call her Sugar. To see more pics and adventures of Sugar
CLICK! on the photo.

A photo of Ruby, One of 5 grand kids. Lets see if i can remember all of them,
from oldest to youngest Haley, Jarvis & Ruby the twins, then Emily and Issabelle.
To see more photos of the grand kids.
<------ CLICK! Rubys pic.

Here you will see pics and read about some of the events
Lyn and i have been to. See some rare original photos of
David Bowie and Bob Marley. The memories.To see more.
CLICK! Special Events

Have you seen this one? Can you find and name all (insert number here) performers. I'm the 2nd owner of this BMW motorcycle.
I call her Sugar. To see more pics and adventures of Sugar
CLICK! on the photo.