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In The Broom Closet

However you were brought here, it was meant to be. This site is meant to inform as well as to provide a sanctuary for those of us who are still "in the broom closet" to some people, but who feel safe and part of a family on the internet.

I am creating this site as a safe haven for those of us who feel the need for belonging. In the near future, my coven and I are adding on lessons in the Craft for all levels, plan to begin two newsletters (one for those of us still in the broom closet, and one for those of us who have come out of the broom closet), and we just opened up our coven to membership online. In order to take the lessons, you must be a member of our online coven. Membership in our coven of course is free, as are the lessons. These are only our beginning thoughts, we welcome your input, because it is our community that makes this site possible.

Our Coven
Join Our Online Coven
Causes We Believe in and Support
Newsletter: Out of the Broom Closet
Newsletter: In the Broom Closet

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