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Hello everyone

As I mentioned earlier my name is Svetlana. On this page I would like to tell you a little more about my self. I came to USA 11 years ago from Odessa, Ukraine (used to be part of Russia).
My whole family is also here now, I think USA is great it gave me an opportunity to learn and explore new things.
But even though I like it here, I still miss my city of birth. Odessa is very beautiful and cultural city. I hope that I can go back and visit my city and friends again some day.
My intrests. I absolutely love working on the computer, it's one of my most favorite things to do when I get some free time. I'm hoping one day to get a job in the graphic design field. I want to go to school for it but, right now I don't have time. I work two jobs trying to help out my family.
Eventually I would like to move to Florida and work in Disney studios in Orlando. I believe that if I try hard enough I can reach my goals.
About my family I'm the only child, but I have two very close cousins one is a guy cousin Steve he's married now for almost three years. And my very close cousin Steves' sister Lena, she is like a sister to me we are very close. I just wish she'd have more free time, I don't get to see her that much because of her dancing career (Professional Ballet dancer). I live with my parents for now, helping them out with money and other things.

Well that's about it.

Thank you for taking time to read about my boring life!!!! If you would like you can write me to

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