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World of Warcraft is the upcoming MMORPG from Blizzard
Entertainment. The game is widely anticipated.
From what I've seen it will be an incredible game.
I plan to start a Pixel Empire Guild for the game. As of now
it will probably be an Alliance clan, although I am not sure.
You can sign up for the beta at their site until Feb. 4th at 6pm

Blizzard has made many great games. I've been playing
blizzard games since Starcraft, not counting lost viking's =). I didn't
realize Lost Viking's was a blizzard game when I had it for PC, but it was
fun anyways. I also bought Diablo2, got a copy of Warcraft2, and bought
Warcraft 3. Warcraft 3 is one of my favorite games. It is the first game
that had "clan support" and is therefore the mostly widely known game in
the Pixel Empire. One of my favorite maps for Warcraft3 is Rival Nations.
More info on RivalNations is available at
I have enjoyed every blizzard game I have ever played.

Farycry - Next Generation First Person Shooter.
One of the companies behind this game is UbiSoft,
Maker of Splinter Cell. The game has great next-generation
graphics, and good AI. The AI doesn't joke around in this game.
Luckiily the advanced AI didn't save my victims from the a well placed
gernade =). 500mb demo, fun game. No plans for a Pixel Empire clan
for Farcry, although once released it's a possibility.