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One Dog, One Hunter, Ten Shells, Five Birds, Thirty Minutes


Rules and Regulations Revised September, 2002
Hunt Requirements:

A USHDA hunt shall be open to all hunting dogs that point. All dogs should arrive at the hunt in good physical condition, they MUST have all current vaccinations, including rabies, and be free of parasites. Each day's hunt is limited to 16 Dogs, per Judge. per Field.


All hunters are required to carry their guns unloaded with the action or breach open when going to and from the starting point. Hunters must always observe all gun safety precautions. Only 2 3/4 inch shells may be used, no magnum or 3 or 3 1/2 inch loads are allowed. A blaze orange vest or coat and hat must be worn by the judge and the hunter when in the field.


The hunt shall be scored as follows:

1 hunter, 1 dog, 5 birds, 10 shells and 30 minutes. The dog and hunter will be scored on birds in the bag, the dog's pointing, and retrieving abilities on each bird, its overall hunting ability, with bonus points awarded for unused shells and time left.


Bird in bag

10 Points Each


1-10 Points On Each Bird


1-10 Points On Each Bird

Hunting Ability

1-10 Points Overall

Unused Shells

2 Points Each

Minutes Remaining

2 Points Each


A trophy and ribbon will be awarded to the winning hunter and dog with ribbons being awarded to the Second through Fourth place Hunters and Dogs. A portion of each entry fee funds the prize money and will be awarded as follows.

  50% to First
  30% to Second
  20% to Third

DOTY and Championship points are also awarded.



1) All participants will conduct themselves in a sportsman-like manner. Dogs may not be disciplined or corrected during the hunt.

2) Anyone found intoxicated or drinking alcoholic beverages prior to the event or while the event is in progress will not be allowed to compete.

3) All birds should be shot at a safe distance off the ground to be counted as a bagged bird. A bird shot on the ground may not be counted.

4) Hunters and dogs may not see their birds planted and will be disqualified if seen doing so.

5) The clock is not stopped until the 5th bird contact is complete, in view of the Judge or the 30 minutes is up.

6) No running will be allowed. You will be warned the first time by the Judge; the second warning, will incur a 10 point penalty, and the third time you will be disqualified.

7) No training or locating device of any kind, manual, mechanical or electrical may be used. (Check cords, flushing whips, shock or beeper collars, bells, etc.)

8) In the event a bird flies into the field from another field, or escapes from the bird planters, while the hunt is in progress, it may be acted upon as a legal bird.

9) The dog should hold point until the bird is acted on by the hunter. Failure to do so will result in a reduced score.

10) If the dog points the bird, then you attempt to flush it, but no shot is possible, and the dog catches it, points may be awarded for; the bagged bird, pointing and retrieving, if the dog retrieves it. However, one shell will be taken from the hunter by the Judge.

11) If the dog points the bird, you flush it, but miss, and the dog catches it, points may be awarded only for pointing and retrieving, if the dog retrieves it. No points are given for the bagged bird.

12) Birds pointed then trapped by the dog may not be counted as a bagged bird, however, if the dog retrieves the bird to the hunter, retrieve points may be awarded.

13) If a flushed bird flies toward the Judge, the spectators, the dog or any other unsafe direction the Judge may call a Safety. No shot may be fired. If the dog catches the bird, points may be awarded for pointing, if pointed, and retrieving, if retrieved. It may also count as a bagged bird. However, one shell will be taken from the hunter by the Judge. If the dog does not pursue or catch the bird an average score for the retrieve shall be given. If the bird remains in bounds it may then be acted on again as a legal bird by the hunter and dog after five minutes have elapsed.

14) If a dead bird is found by the hunter or retrieved by the dog, the bird does not count as a legal bird.

15) If the dog catches a bird on the ground without pointing, it will not count. No points may be awarded even for the retrieve.

16) If a bird is flushed by the Hunter or the Judge it may not be shot. It may however, be acted upon later by the hunter and dog. If it leaves the field the Judge may call for a replacement bird.

17) If a bird flushes wild or the dog bumps it "No Fault", it may be shot and points may be awarded for, the bagged bird, and the retrieve if applicable. If the dog "stops to the flush" it may also receive pointing points.

18) In the event a bitch should come into season, she will be withdrawn from her scheduled time and run last.

19) In the case of a tie, it will be decided by; 1) Minutes remaining, 2) Seconds remaining 3) Shells remaining.

20) In the event these items cannot break the tie, the prize money for first and second will be split.

21) A handler may use a designated gunner.

22) Ammunition may be supplied by the hunt sponsor. If supplied each gauge of shell used must be the same load.

23) For unforeseen situations arising not covered by these rules, a decision by the Hunt Committee will be final.




To be awarded a USHDA Championship a dog must accumulate Sixteen (16) Points. Eight (8) of them must come from first place wins and one of the wins must be a major (a hunt of nine (9) dogs or more).

Points are awarded as follows
Points Awarded
4 Dog Hunt
5-8 Dog Hunt
9-12 Dog Hunt
13-16 Dog Hunt






A hunt of less than 4 Dogs will Receive no championship points.



A National Championship hunt will be held each year. In order to qualify a dog and hunter must have placed third or better in a USHDA sanctioned hunt. The winner will be declared the USHDA National Champion for that year and will earn 16 championship points. (These points do not count toward Dog of the year.)



USHDA has established a DOTY (Dog of the Year) program. The dog that accumulates the most championship points in the current calender year, (excluding the National Championship) shall be awarded DOG OF THE YEAR.


Associate Membership Clubs

Any club formed for the purpose of promoting hunting breed bird dogs may apply for membership as a USHDA Associate Club. Each club applying shall write a letter of intent explaining the reason for wanting to become an associate club and send it with dues to the USHDA Headquarters for approval. Once accepted member clubs will receive a starter pack with instructions on how to hold a USHDA Hunt. USHDA Associate Clubs agree to abide by the USHDA By-Laws and any and all rules and regulations of the USHDA.




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