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One Dog, One Hunter, Ten Shells, Five Birds, Thirty MDinutes


FAQs Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why was the USHDA formed when NSTRA, NVHDA, NBHA, ABHA AKC, American Field and several others already sponsor many field events ?

A: The answer is simple. We wanted a event that would appeal to the average hunter in cost as well as requirements. It seemed to us that none of the others do. NSTRA while cheap enough just didn't seem fair. Winning or losing is mostly based on the luck of the draw. Two good dogs drawn together will split the field and neither will win. NVDA, NBHA and ABHA, events require hours and hours of training and conditioning. AKC and the American Field hunt tests and field trials need expensive training equipment, not to mention horses, trucks and trailer in addition to the hours of training and conditioning. All of this is much, much more than the average hunter is willing or able to do, or afford. Something new seemed needed. So we decided to come up with a plan that would meet those needs and the USHDA was born.


Q: How can I join?

A: Individual Membership is open to anyone intrested in promoting hunting and hunting dogs. For your $19.95 membership fee you will recieve a USHDA membership card, a copy of the rules & regulations, a subscription to the USHDA Quarterly News. Click on one of the Join USHDA buttons and fill out all the information. You will recieve your membership kit in about 4-6 weeks.


Q: How can my club become an associate club and host USHDA events?

A: Any club formed for the purpose of promoting hunting breed bird dogs may apply for membership as a USHDA Associate Club. Each club applying shall write a letter of intent explaining the reason for wanting to become an associate club and send it with dues of $39.95 to the USHDA Headquarters for approval. Once accepted member clubs will receive a starter pack with instructions on how to hold a USHDA Hunt and a subscription to the USHDA Quarterly News. USHDA Associate Clubs agree to abide by the USHDA By-Laws and any and all rules and regulations of the USHDA. So click on one of the Join USHDA buttons and fill out all the information. Your club will recieve a membership kit in about 4-6 weeks.


Q: Do I have to be a member to participate in a USHDA event?

A: No anyone can participate in a USHDA event. However in order for your dog to accumulate DOTY and Championship Points or to qualify for the National Championship you must be a member of the USHDA.



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