India is a Parliamentary democracy modeled partly on Britain's, and also a federation (but, as the state governments can be dismissed by the federal government, they should be classified as 'devolved'). Since independence the Federal government has usually been formed by the Congress Party. Originally this party was formed to assert Indian Nationalism against the British Empire. The struggle was led by a lawyer turned religious holy man, M.K.Gandhi, who practiced non-violent resistance against the British. He was assassinated shortly after independence. The party claims to be secular (impartial in religion) and socialist. The first prime minister was Jawaharlal Nehru. He was followed on his death, after a short interval, by his daughter Indira Gandhi (her name came from her husband, not a relative of M.K.Gandhi). On her assassination by Sikh extremists her son, Rajiv Gandhi, took over. Thus the Congress Party looks like a vehicle for a dynasty rather than a democratic party. It is said that its internal structure is not democratic. In 1990 Rajiv Gandhi lost a general election and a coalition led by V.P.Singh a former Finance Minister in Rajiv Gandhi's government and including Hindu fundamentalists, communists and socialists took power. This coalition proved unstable. He lost power in November 1990. During the General Election campaign in May 1991 Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated, perhaps bringing the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty to an end. (The widow of his brother Sanjay, however seeks to continue it and also Sonia, the Italian widow of Rajiv. Like the Kennedys, there are children.)In the 2004 General election two of Rajiv Gandhi's children are standing, and his Italian born widow Sonia remains the de facto non-Parliamentary leader. Commentators note that the political class in India appears to be becoming less and less competent and more estranged from the mass of the people. The democratic facade appears to conceal a feudal organization of power in which voters are treated as voting blocks and bribed by various means. Many of the parties represent castes and religious interests rather than policies. The political system does not appear suited to solving India's problems. Nehru represented the British-educated class and his policies were based on those of the British Labour government of 1945-51, which were not perhaps best suited to India's needs. M.K.Gandhi had urged that the government should be based on the needs of the villagers. Instead it has been based on urban industry and the westernized classes, two small minorities of the total population. The present series of short lived governments headed by politicians whose main interest appears to be in holding office rather than solving India's problems seems likely to provoke some kind of change. For much of the period since 1947 the Congress was the overwhelmingly largest party. Now it is still the largest party in parliament but has lost its overall majority, and has lost control of many of the states. The other parties include: Several types of Marxist, a Hindu nationalist, regional parties representing the non-Hindi speakers, parties representing the lowest castes. The rise of militant Hindu nationalism has some features in common with the rise of extreme rightwing parties in 1930s Europe. This takes the form of hatred against the Muslim and other religious minorities. As Muslims are a large minority (100 million) general hatred and massacres could lead to a great deal of disturbance, including another war with Pakistan. This was shown by the disturbances following the destruction of a mosque at Ayodhya to build a temple (see Religion), organized by the Bharatiya Janata Party, said to be the political arm of a group trying to reform Hinduism into a Church with a chief God - Ram. In 1991 the government was formed by the Congress Party under a Prime Minister, Narasinha Rao, who was not connected to the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty. But he did not have a majority and seemed to defer to the Gandhis. Some commentators are very gloomy about the stability of the Indian state, suggesting that the institutions are in advanced decay. Perhaps for the mass of the people the nature of the government is irrelevant to their problems, except that the political goon squads (including the police) make life increasingly unsafe. The advent of the Bharatiya Janata Party (Hindu Nationalist and rightwing) in 1998 was marked by the decision in May 1998 to test 5 nuclear weapons. Would this new government cause attacks on Muslims and other minorities? The new regime emphasised Hindu culture and religion, and abandoned the secularism practiced by the Congress governments from the time of the independence struggle. In 2002 massacres of Muslims in Gujarat by militant Hindus seemed to pass without central government action suggesting indifference to the fate of Muslims. (There had also been massacres by militant Muslims of Hindus, travelling on a train returning from the Ayodha temple being built on the site of a former Mosque built by the original Mogul invader.) In 2004 the Pakistan leader and the Indian prime minister were making progress towards normalising relations. In March 2004 an India cricket team toured Pakistan, and rail and bus links were reopened. There are grounds for cautious optimism. The May 2004 General Election resulted in a victory for a coalition led by the Congress Party. The Premiership was offered to Sonia Gandhi, who declined it, becoming President of the Congress party, while offering the Premiership to the Sikh Manmohin Singh - who has become the first non-Hindu Prime Minister. A growing "Maoist" revolt among the excluded peoples = "tribals" and lower caste peoples may threaten the government system. These are allied to the insurgents who replaced the kingdom in Nepal. |
Tahir Shah - Sorcerers' Apprentice Harry Hobbs - Indian Dust Devils Reminiscences of life in India in the 1880s.
In the early years after independence India tried to practice socialist autarky - to make as much as possible within the country in closely controlled industries. The main effect was to protect old fashioned and inefficient industries. Foreign companies were discouraged from wholly owned subsidiaries and even from jointly owned projects. As these are an important means of technology transfer India failed to receive much technology which could have helped industrial growth. The situation has many similarities with the countries of eastern Europe whose backward industries also produced a great deal of pollution and poor quality goods. Until the1980s much of the economy appeared frozen in the 1950s. The GNP per capita remains very low as the modern sector does not affect the mass of people in the villages. Like Brazil, India shows that trickle down does not work in practice. Could India grow as fast as the various Chinese and other Far Eastern economies? If not, why not? (But if it did, could the ecology stand it?) The most recent development is the software business and the Call Center - made possible by modern communications. India exports software engineers to the US and other western countries. Helplines are located in India with local workers trained in western cultures to service customer queries. However, Indian companies are now active in western countries and have taken over such British companies as Landrover (acquired from Ford) and the former British Steel - more or less the whole of the British steel industry. Is this a reversal of the British Empire? |
in the Crown A perceptive article by Karl Marx Diana L Eck - India: A Sacred Geography ![]() Review by William Dalrymple |
There are many serious ecological problems. These include: deforestation; desertification; industrial pollution. The greatest is probably a rapidly increasing population. But AIDS also is said to be spreading rapidly in the urban areas and in the rural areas via the lorry drivers, as happened in Africa. January 1992 estimate of 1,000,000 infected with HIV. Medical authorities expect 15-20,000,000 infections by the end of the decade (2010). Another tendency which may limit population growth is the spread of sonic scanners which enable parents to choose the sex of their children. As they overwhelmingly prefer boys, and abort or murder girls, there may soon be such a preponderance of males that the growth slows. What a nation of mainly males will be like is something for the Science Fiction writer. Will the status of women rise? Will the insane customs of huge dowries which the parents of women must pay to the husband's family diminish? Will the men become homosexual or warlike? This article discusses the effects of a large preponderance of males that are already being seen: more violence from wifeless men. Families feared the burden of female dowries. Instead of abolishing dowries, they decided to abolish girls. This article also discusses the problem A recent report on BBC says that Polyandry - one wife married to several brothers - has been noticed. Indian nuclear power stations are reported to be causing radiation sickness around them. There are believed to be 30-40 nuclear weapons. |
to India DVD film Kim Film (1950) based on Rudyard Kipling) ![]() Kim [DVD] [1950] ![]() Kim - Geheimdienst in Indien Rudyard Kipling - Kim (novel) ![]() Kim (Wordsworth Classics) |
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