


St Georges

Currency unit

East Caribbean dollar


East Caribbean









Mini-state and former British colony. Columbus sighted it in 1498. The French settled in 1650. The British captured it in 1762.

Black slaves were imported to work sugar plantations.

West Indies federation collapsed when Jamaica and Trinidad refused to join. Independent in 1974 under an eccentric prime minister Eric Gairy who at one time proposed a resolution in the UN General Assembly to investigate Flying Saucers. He also received support from General Pinochet of Chile and ruled through intimidation by political thugs.

A Revolution in 1979 was organized by locally based left wing group (New Jewel - Joint Endeavor for Welfare) led by Maurice Bishop. This group gained aid from Cuba in building a new airport which made it seem a threat to the United States, though there has been no evidence that Cuba had military forces there (other than 43 soldiers working at the airport site).

Invaded by US forces in 1983 after Maurice Bishop had been murdered in a coup, apparently by more orthodox communists in his own party (Bernard Coard). How far was it a threat to the United States?

Member East Caribbean Currency Union and Caribbean Common Market (CARICOM). The future may lie in membership of a Windward Federation , if it comes into being.










There is an elected government after the previous revolutionary government was ousted by a US invasion. However, the government is in fact dependent on US support.

The head of state is still the British Queen, represented by a locally appointed Governor General. The US president Reagan did not inform her Majesty that they were going to invade.








Nutmeg suffers from low world prices, as in Indonesia.







The island might be a suitable site for Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion plants to produce non-carbon emitting energy, fresh water and mitigation of Hurricanes.






Human Rights

Climate effects

Vulnerable to hurricanes, which will probably increase in frequency and intensity.

Last revised 22/09/08

East Caribbean


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