Brunell - Bernard

Although first alphabetically, I am going to discuss the BERNARD family at the end rather than the beginning. Mainly because there are multiple Bernard families in the lineage. Two are direct line and impact the Brunell line.


The spelling of this surname can be found as Brunell, Brunel, or Brunelle. I use whatever spelling is given on the source of information for each person.

Jacques BRUNEL - Suzanne BERTAULT

Jacques was from St. Remy, Dieppe, France; son of Jean BRUNEL & Anne MADRY, about whom nothing else is known. He married Suzanne Bertault on 24 November 1677 in Boucherville.2
Suzanne, baptized in Trois-Rivières on 18 December 1657, was widowed by her first husband, Jean Heiss, whom she'd married in 1671. The next year she was traumatized by the conviction and subsequent hanging of her parents, Jacques BERTAULT & Gillette BANNE, for the murder of her younger sister's husband.
Jacques brightened her life with ten children--if nothing else, they kept her busy! One of those ten was our ancestor, Jacques.2
Jacques Brunel died around 1717. Suzanne died at Vercheres, Quebec on 2 May 1739.2

Jacques BRUNEL - Marie Anne BERNARD

Jacques was the child of Jacques & Suzanne BERTAULT. He had been baptized on 14 November 1680 in Boucherville, Quebec.2
His wife, Marie Anne, was a daughter of Jean & Marie DEBURE. Her baptism had taken place 28 February 1683 in Charlesbourg, Quebec.11
Jacques and Marie Anne were married on 31 March 1704 in Varennes, Quebec.
Jacques Brunel died about 1734. Marie Anne Bernard dit Hains lived for another 18 years and was buried 24 April 1752 at Longue-Pointe, Quebec.2

Jean Baptiste BRUNEL -Suzanne GOUGET

Jean Baptiste was a Québec native, born there on 26 September 1706 to Jacques & Marie Anne BERNARD.2
Jean Baptiste married Suzanne Jousset on 24 May 1734 in Longue Point, Quebec. She was born about 1711; her parents were Jacques & Jeanne JOUSSET. Jean Baptiste and Suzanne's child was Jacques Joseph.2
Suzanne was buried at Longue Point on Christmas Eve of 1782. Jean Baptiste Brunel's death information reamins a mystery.2

Jacques Joseph BRUNEL - Marie Marguerite DESAUTELS

Jacques Joseph was born to Jean-Baptiste & Suzanne GOGUET on 10 February 1745 at Longue-Pointe, Québec and was baptized there the same day.1
He married Marie Marguerite 11 February 1771 in Longue Point, Quebec.1,2
Marie Marguerite was born 23 March 1743 in Longue Point; her parents are Nicolas & Marie Catherine DUFRESNE.3
Their son was Joseph, whose marriage record shows Marie Marguerite Desautels as "defunct". Jacques Joseph obviously lived long enough to celebrate the event, but their dates of death are not known.1

Joseph BRUNEL - Francoise MAILLET

Joseph is the son of Jacques Joseph & Marie Marguerite DESAUTELS. He married Francoise on 23 September 1783 in Beloeil, Quebec.
Francoise's surname is sometimes found written as Maye in the vital records of Quebec. Her parents are Pierre & Angelique LETOURNEAU.1
Joseph and Francoise had the following known children:
Marcel- Born 22 March 1797 and baptized the next day at Beloeil.1
Josephte- Born and baptized 13 August 1799 in Beloeil.1

The death details for this couple are not known.

Joseph BRUNEL - Josephte OLIGNY

Joseph married Josephte on 28 November 1826 in L'Acadie. His parents were Joseph & Françoise MAILLET.13
Josephte was a native of L'Acadie; born there 18 February 1808 and baptized the next day. She was the daughter of Louis & Josephte TREMBLAY.1
The couple had relocated to Lyon Mountain, Clinton Co, NY--in a section of the Adirondack Mountains commonly referred to as the "North Country"--by 1847 or so. Go here for more information, history, and even pictures of the tiny hamlet that once housed a large iron ore mine. Iron ore mining did not come to Lyon Mountain until the late 1860's, so it is unknown what brought this couple to the area in the 1840's.
Joseph and Josephte had 11 children:
Joseph-born ca 1827.13
Marie Victoria- born about 1828 in Quebec. She married farmer Leandre Ledoux on 23 February 1846 in Plattsburgh, Clinton Co, NY. They had one known daughter, Louisa, born about 1860 in NY. Leandre Ledoux had been born in Quebec in 1825. When his new country put out the call for men to fight for the Union in the Civil War, Leandre answered willingly. He was taken prisoner and died of yellow fever in a Confederate prison on 1 November 1864. Although the source originally stated that Leandre died in New Orleans, LA, I can find no record of a Confederate prison in Louisiana at all. Marie Victoria died 6 February 1901 in Dannemora, Clinton Co, NY.3,8
Julie-born ca 1830.13
Emerance-born ca 1832.13
Josephine-born ca 1833.13
Julian-born ca 1835.13
Wiliam-born ca 1836.13
Mathilda- born 1838.13
Moses-born ca 1841.13
Joseph-born ca 1844.13

Joseph Brunell appears in the 1860 Saranac, Clinton Co, NY census with his wife (who is listed as 20 years younger than her husband); however he does not appear in the 1870 census for Black Brook, Clinton Co, NY that lists "Eliza" and Leandre. From this we must assume that Joseph died sometime before the 1870 census.8
Josephte died 11 August 1891 in Redford, Clinton Co, NY.3

Lenadre BRUNELL - Hermenilda D'AOUST

Leandre was born about 1847 in Lyon Mountain, Clinton Co., NY. His parents were Joseph & Josephte OLIGNY.9,13
Herminilda was born 13 June 1851 in St. Louis de Gonzague, Beauhanois, Quebec, Canada, the daughter of Francois & Adaline LABERGE.1
Leandre Brunell and Hermenilda D'Aoust were married 14 November 1870 in Redford, Clinton Co, NY.9 Hermenilda's surname has been listed in census records as Dow; and over time, her given name went from Hermenilda to Emmeline; the latter of which we will use from this point on.
Leandre and Emmeline had 3 known children:
Joseph-born about 1871. He married Celinia Fournier on 5 October 1891.6,8
Charles-born about 1873 in Redford, Clinton Co, New York. He married Mabel Adams on 1 September 1899.6,8

Along with most of the men in Lyon Mountain, Leandre worked as a miner in 1880. The census record for that year shows that the Brunell's were also housing 5 other miners; including Emmeline's brother Joseph. Emmeline's sister, Mary, was also living in the home and listed as a "servant". It appears that the family may have been running a boarding house of sorts.8
A year later, on 30 November 1881, Leandre Brunell died. His cause of death is not known. He was buried in Redford, Clinton Co, NY in the Assumption of BMV Cemetery.13
After Leandre's death, Emmeline went on to marry Roma Vennette-date and place of this event is not known.6 They had one known child, Victoria, born in June of 1888 in New York.8
By 1900, we discover that much has changed for the Brunell family:

•For starters, we find that son Joseph has married Celinia Fournier, a New York native--no surprise there. What is a surprise is the location of the marriage-- North Adams, Massachusetts. Did they relocate separately to work in the bustling Berkshire mills and subsequently meet there? Maybe they met in their home state of New York and then eloped? That's not known for sure; but the romantic possibilities are endless!
•Son Charles Brunell seems to follow his brother to Western Massachusetts to seek employment as a shoe worker. And he also finds a bride for himself among the belles of the Berkshires--Miss Mabel Adams, a North Adams native.
•1900 also finds Emmeline D'Aoust a widow again; the details of her husband Roma's death are unknown at this time. With both of her sons deciding to leave New York, what is a widowed mother to do? Follow along, of course....which Emmeline did. The census of 1900 shows her as a member of her son Charles' household, along with her two daughters--21 year old Josephine Brunell and 11 year old Victoria Vennette.

The 1910 census of Brockton, Massachusetts shows Charles Brunell with his wife Mabel, two daughters Doris and Florence, and sister Victoria--who the census taker identifies as "Victoria Brunell". Josephine would naturally be absent; she had married Edgar Noel in 1905. But where was Emmeline...?
On 13 October, 1906, Emmeline had gall bladder surgery in Brockton and died from post-operative shock. She was buried 2 days later, on the 15th, in Calvary Cemetery. Emmeline's address was 445 Montello Street in Brockton at the time of her death.7


As stated before, there are a couple of separate Bernard families.

Jean BERNARD dit Anse & Marie DEBURE

Jean was born about 1643 in St. Croix, Thionville, Lorraine, France. His parents were Jean BERNARD & Catherine FAUDEN, about whom nothing else is known. The details of his immigration are mysterious, but he was known to be in New France in 1664.11
Jean was not the first husband for fille du roi Marie. She first married Gilles Énard in 1665. Gilles had notary Duquet draw up his will on 12 September 1666. One would believe that he was ill and died soon after; because on 27 December 1666, his widow Marie married Jean Bernard at Québec. Marie was from Rouen, Normandy; born there about 1646. Her parents were Vincent & Suzanne GOLIN; nothing but their names are known.11
The couple lived at Charlesbourg. Marie had problems with another fille du roi, Claude-Philiberte Pahin. Claude-Philiberte killed a chicken and a rooster belonging to Marie and her husband Jean; a crime she was found guilty of on 7 May 1685. This must have stuck and festered in the craw of Claude-Philiberte, for on 3 March 1687, she assaulted Marie. The Prevote de Quebec made Claude-Philiberte pay Marie a total of 65 livres; she was fined another 100 livres to be paid to the court.11
Jean and Marie had 9 children; their daughter MARIE ANNE is our ancestress.11
Jean Bernard was being taken to Québec for medical care when he was found frozen to death on Lac St.-Pierre (Lake St. Pierre). He was subsequently buried on 15 February 1698. Marie Debure died 2 years later, on 11 October 1700 at the Hôtel-Dieu de Québec.11

This is the second direct line Bernard family that married into the Brunell family.

Jacques THUILLIER dit Desvignets & Jeanne BERNARD

Jacques was born circa 1642 in Normandy, France, the son of Jean & Gilette LOUIER; nothing else known about his parents. He immigrated to Canada in 1665, indentured to the Sulpicians.11
Jacques married Jeanne Bernard, a fille du roi of unknown origins in France. She was born about 1651; her parents were Hugues & Perrine DESTOURNÉRE, about whom nothing else is known. The marriage was celebrated on 29 April 1669 in Montréal.11
The couple had 8 children and seemed to live a relatively normal life. One of those children was Thérèse Angelique11.
Jacques was the first to die, and was buried at Montréal on 19 August 1710. Five years later, Jeanne followed suit and was buried 22 June 1715, also in Montréal.11

This Bernard family is not direct line, but do make an appearance in the family.

Pierre Conille & Marie Giton & Andre Bernard

Pierre Conille & Marie Giton were married in St. Nicolas, La Rochelle, Aunis, France on 1 October 1664. Nothing is known about Pierre's birth or family of origin. Marie was born about 1649 in St. Nicolas; her parents were Denis Giton & Marie Pain; nothing else is known about her parents. On 27 September 1665, the couple's only daughter Marie was baptized at St. Nicolas.
Historian Archange Godbout believes that the Conille family left France to go to Canada "shortly after 1665". Since their child was born in September, it is more likely that the crossing was made in 1666 at the opening of the navigation season.
Pierre Conille died sometime before August 1669, which is when Marie Giton entered into and then annulled a marriage contract. She had better luck on 26 November 1676, when she married André Bernard. It is not known where or when Marie Giton died.
Some sources will list Marie Giton as a fille du roi. As Marie was married with a child when she landed in Canada, she would not have met the criteria for a fille du roi.11

The In-Laws

There are all kinds of mother-in-law jokes, but has anyone ever noticed that father-in-law jokes aren't nearly as common? Wonder why? Just some food for thought....Anyway, here are the in-laws for the folks listed above. They are listed in alphabetical order of the husband's surname. Note that any in-laws mentioned above whose link takes you to another page won't be repeated here.


Nicolas DESAUTELS & Marie Catherine DUFRESNE

Nicolas Desautels was born to Pierre & Thérèse Angelique THUILLIER on 25 March 1718 at Montreal and baptized the same day.1
Nicolas became the husband of Marie Catherine Dufresne on 6 February 1741 at Longue-Pointe,Quebec. She was the daughter of Jean Baptiste & Catherine ARCHAMBAULT, born to them at Pointe-aux-Trembles, Quebec on 27 December 1722--un bébé Noël!!!
Nicolas Desautels was buried 17 February 1783 at Longue-Point. Marie Catherine's death information is unknown.2

Pierre DESAUTELS & Catherine LORION

Pierre was from Malicorn, La Flèche, Maine,France; born there in 1631 to tailor Thomas & Marie BUISSON.10,11
Pierre landed in Montreal aboard the "Saint Nicolas" on 16 November 1653, part of the "Grande Recrue". The Grande Recrue was a group of 147 men and women recruited by Marguerite Bourgeoys & the Société de Notre-Dame du Montréal to help defend Montréal against attacks of Iroquois Indians. Pierre was a solider in the 7th squadron of the Sainte-Famille militia at Montréal.
Coincidentally, one of his fellow recruits was a man named Nicolas Millet--who would be the second of Catherine Lorion's 4 husbands.10,11
Pierre's first marriage was to fille du roi Marie Rémy. That marriage lasted 10 years before Marie was buried on 11 November 1676. Not a man to waste time, Pierre entered into a marriage contract with Catherine Lorion on 21 November 1676, just 10 days after his wife's burial; the couple were married 23 November 1676.2,10,11
Catherine was a fille à marier from St-Soulle, La Rochelle, Aunis, France; born there about 1636 to Mathruin LORION & Françoise Morin (or Morinet). Catherine came to New France on her own in 1654 and was joined by her family in 1658. She had been married 3 times previous to this one--all ending in tragedy. Her first husband was killed by a falling tree. Her second husband drowned. Her third husband was burned to death in a fire in their home. However, luck was with Catherine this time. Her union with Pierre would last for 32 years and produce 2 children to add to the 9 children of hers and 4 children of Pierre's.10
Pierre Desutels was buried 19 November 1708 at Montréal. Catherine Lorion died at Côte St.-Martin and was buried at Montréal on 20 April 1720.10,11


Pierre "dit Lapointe" was a Montreal native; baptized there on 13 September 1677. His parents were Pierre DESAUTELS dit Lapointe & Catherine LORION. He married fellow Montreal native Thérèse Thuillier, daughter of Jacques THUILLIER & Jeanne BERNARD, on 12 January 1699 in their hometown of Montreal. And that is all that is known about this couple.2


Antoine "it St. Antoine" was from St-Omer, Artois, France; born there in 1636 to Nicolas & Catherine DOMIN, about whom nothing else is known. He disembarked in Canada on 17 August 1665; a member of the Carignan Regiment in the La Colonelle Company.11
Jeanne Fauconnier was born around 1651 in Orléans, Orléanais, France; her parents were Antoine & Jeanne PERLIN, about whom nothing else is known. She arrived in Canada in 1668 and was lodged at the Maison Saint-Gabriel until she could find a suitable husband.11
The search was over on 21 November 1668 when she appeared with Antoine in front of Notary Basset to have their marriage contract penned. The wedding took place on 4 December 1668. Their child was Jean Baptiste Gaspard.11
Jeanne "died suddenly" on 14 December 1700 and was buried at Pointe-aux-Trembles the same day. Her husband Antoine was buried 16 November 1717.11

Jean Baptiste DUFRESNE & Catherine ARCHAMBAULT

Jean Baptiste was baptized at Pointe-aux-Trembles on 23 July 1696, the second child and first son of Gaspard Jean Baptiste & Marie Renée MARSAN.2
Sometime before December 1722, Jean Baptiste married Catherine Archambault. She was born about 1701 to Jacques & Françoise AUBUCHON dit Lesperance. Their child was Marie Catherine DUFRESNE.2
Jean Baptiste was buried at Longue-Pointe on 9 January 1750. Catherine lived until 1778, when she was buried at Longue-Pointe on 30 May.2

Jean Baptiste Gaspard DUFRESNE & Marie Renée MARSAN

Jean Baptiste Gaspard was baptized in Montreal on 5 February 1673; his parents were Antoine DUFRESNE dit St. Antoine & Jeanne FAUCONNIER.2,11
Marie Renée was also a Montréal native, baptized there on 14 May 1674 to Pierre & Françoise BAISELAT.2,11
The couple married on 23 November 1693 in Pointe-aux-Trembles. Jean Baptiste Gaspard died sometime before 1707, when Marie Renée married Joseph Larcheveque.2

Jacques GOUGET & Jeanne JOUSSET

Montreal was the site of the baptism of Jacques Gouget on 29 August 1672. He was the infant of Pierre & Louise GARNIER.2
His future spouse, Jeanne Jousset, was also a native of Montreal, having been baptized there on 30 March 1674. Her parents were Mathurin & Catherine LOTIER.2
On 18 November 1697, Jacques and Jeanne joined their lives in marriage in Montreal. Their child was Suzanne.2 No death details are available.

Pierre GOGUET & Louise GARNIER

Pierre was born about 1629; his origins and parents are unknown. He married Louise Garnier, daughter of Charles & Jeanne LABRAYE; born to them about 1631. The circumstances of the wedding are uncertain. Tanguay claims this pair was married in Lachine. However, other sources I've run across believe that the couple were married in France. Any clarification would be welcome!! This couple's known child is Jacques.2
Pierre Gouget was buried at Montreal 13 April 1684. Louise Garnier's death information is unknown.2

Mathurin LORION & Françoise MORIN

Mathurin was a plowman; the details of his birth elude us. He married Françoise circa 1635 in Sainte-Soulle, France. In 1647, the family is found living in La Front near La Rochelle.
On 6 November 1648, Françoise was buried at Notre-Dame-de-Cogne in La Rochelle. This would also be the place of Mathurin's remarriage on 2 May 1649 to Jeanne Bizet.
Five years later, Mathurin's daughter Catherine Lorion left for New France on her own in 1654, and married shortly thereafter. In a scenario that differed greatly from the experiences of other filles à marier, Catherine's family subsequently left their home in France and joined her in the new colony. Among all the other reasons one could imagine for Catherine's family to relocate, I would like to think that one of them was that they missed her.

Adrien LÉGER & Catherine LOTIER & Mathurin JOUSSET

Catherine was a fille à marier from Paris' St. Sulpice parish, in the faubourg St-Germain section; born in 1644 to master painter Adrien & Anne DESDAMES; Adrien had died in 1659. She arrived in Montréal on 29 September 1659, one of the chicks under the watchful eye of mother hen Jeanne Mance.10
Catherine quickly found a suitor; and on 25 November 1659, married him. He was one Adrien LÉGER, from Ste-Marguerite-sur-Duclair, Rouen,Normandy, France; born there about 1631 to Louis & Perrette LACAILLE. Before his immigration to Canada about 1646, he lived in St-Germain-d'Arcé, Anger, Anjou, France. They had one daughter, Marie. Adrien was killed by a falling tree on 11 January 1661 at Pointe St-Charles, Montreal--an accident that was not uncommon in the days of early Canada.10
Catherine was a young widow with a 10-month old baby; not an easy situation to be in. So, on 8 August 1661 in Montreal, Catherine married Mathurin Jousset dit Laloire. He--coincidentally!!-- was a native of St.Germain d'Arcé, Anjou, France. Depending on the source, he was either born in 1626 (Tanguay) or 1633 (Peter Gagné).2,10 His parents were Mathurin & Antoinette POYÉRE or Marie CAILLAUX.2,10
Mathurin was one of the brave souls of the "Grande Recrue", sailing on the "Saint-Nicolas", disembarking at Montreal on 16 November 1653 with Pierre Desautels.10
The couple had 12 children to add to Catherine's daughter. One of those children would be our ancestress Jeanne.
Mathurin Jousset died in the Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal and was buried 30 June 1705 in Montréal. Catherine Lotier was buried at Montréal on 3 September of the same year.10

1. The Drouin Collection at Ancestry
2. Tanguay's Dictionary
3. Northern New York American-Canadian Genealogical Society
4. Genealogy of Canada
5. Birth records from New England Historic Genealogical Society
6. Marriage records from New England Historic Genealogical Society
7. Death records from New England Historic Genealogical Society
8. Census Records
9. Marriages of Clinton Co., NY index-obtained by Julie in Pittsfield
10. "Before the King's Daughters: The Filles à Marier" by Peter Gagne
11. "King's Daughters and Founding Mothers: The Filles du Roi" by Peter Gagne
12. "Our French Canadian Ancestors", Vols. 3, 19, & 25 by Thomas Laforest
13. Alice from New York

This page was updated March 2012.

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Noel Family of Brockton, MA by Jolynn Noel Winland is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License
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