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Welcome to Evolving To What
Herbals Thoughts
Welcome to the poetry page

Here are some entries by fellow yahookans, friends and myself. Please feel free to e-mail me any thing that is of this here to e-mail me

just a line

Interfearence everywhere.
people stop;people stare
They try to cloud me their me
with their cares.
Try to bind me with their wears.
I stumble not, I walk
All Tall,
through the darkness
through the mist
don't get caught in
for you and the rest of world.

severly stoned (tolla)

just a line

its so unglorious
living in the blackness
thrown by oppression
wind of torment
burn like coal
the sadistik legion
excreting endless war
I am a pillar of smoke
in the night

written by (Terrortubbie)

just a line

You and I make this verse,
Because You and I are so diverse.
With your soul as my mate.
We shall stand together from this date.

As our lives twist and turn and soar,
It is your heart that I urn for.
The cosmos have it all in place,
Your love is where I shall be encased.

We will swim in a pool of love,
Sinking deeper and deeper in love.
In our love we are fully submersed,
For its you and I that makes this Universe.

just a line


Dimness is approaching
Faster it falls, fading my sight
Looking for light, there is none
Where is my light, my guide?
Darkness falling,my fear rising
Loneliness prevails, tunnel vision hell
Insanity bred by the shroud of darkness
Voices in the distance beckoning me
Silence, Darkness envelop my world
Death is deliverance for me for sure
Sweet peace for me now
All is dark, quiet, and cold.
No more hippocrates,
No more ignorance
No more Pain
Laughter from the Gods,
Mocking my pain, my suffering,
Where is my salvation?
Death is my salvation
Death is my deliverance from this Hell
Breathing my last breath,
Hearing the laughter bellowing in the silence
Eyes close for a final time
Curtain falling on the show,
The End has come, the show is over.(stonerchick )

just a line


The world is a stage, life is the 'Big Show", we are all merely the players, at the hands of fate, no control at times, it seems.....pushing forward...trudging along.....tiresome, weary souls are much more can we much more is there? Why does the pain not go it away i wont go stays..permanence, hellish permanence...the stage is set..the cards are drawn...the curtain rises on another act....more to much more.....the final act is soon to be...darkness falls as the curtain drops. So alone, yet occupied....thoughts, feelings, eerie voices in the dark.....calling me...haunting me....beckoning me from the stage.....stop i cry to them..leave me be....let me be a dark angel.....Alone on the stage.

just a line


the mind is like a maze, intricate patterns twisting out of control, never reaching the exit, until the body dies, and the mind is set free. (stonerchick)

just a line


I feel the demons working, eating from the inside out, I know u must realize soon, what im really all about, with a single tormented scream, a child cries cant u hear? The demons working within, kiilling everything u hold dear, the devils angels tempt u, drawing closer and closer to sin, the angels that stand beside the hate, preparing to pull u in, there is a time when all must go to take the final plunge to fate, but which ever way u may choose, the demons lie in wait. (Jade)

just a line

If There Were Words

If there were words
to express the way I feel for you,
they would form the most
beautiful poem for the
world to read.
If there were words
to express the way I feel for you,
they would form the
lovliest song for the
world to sing.
If there were words
to express the way I feel for you,
they would form the
most inspiring play for the
world to perform.
If there were words
to express the way I feel for you,
they would form the most
enchanting painting for the
world to portray.
If there were words
to express the way I feel for you,
they would form the earth,
the wind, the stars and
the heavens, for those words
would possess all that is
beautiful, lovely, inspiring
and enchanting, and those words
I would share with the world.

just a line

Crystals Formations

Crystals still form on glass that
reflects my image
My faith is shaken and I don't
know where I am
My eyes burn in anguish
at your name
A feeling I can't forget, but
can't ever be the same
People surround me
strangers in the crowd
A million faces merge into one
a millions souls trapped by a gun
Concrete child, commit your
black-hearted sin
God forgot once-but never again
Damien triumphs as the
nymphs dance with glee
For all that I am but
have forgotten to be
I see your face but
it's just insane
Like trying to stop
the heavenly reign
Thunderclouds rumble
their anger within
Crank up the volume but
never tune in
Fire and brimstone
engulf your soul
Damien always knew
his ultimate goal.

just a line


dreams can be broken, shattered with a word, people laugh, and the dreams cannot be heard, be careful where you step, for you could be stepping on my dreams, crushed within a minute, noone knowing what they mean. (Jade)

just a line


Anarchism to the death, fighting for free words with your dying last breath. Don't cling to their morals, rules or regulations, stand up and protest the governments hypocritical legislation.(herb)

just a line


Moisture condensing onto my eye-balls, never blinking, never letting it fall, total clarity of ones mind, is buried deep and hard to find, seeking the truth through self-awareness, being imprisoned for being free, now where is the fairness, the mind is tough, able to with-stand time, only to be wasted, to rot like fruit on the vine.(herb)

just a line


Beyond the shadows, into the mist, paranoia, scary, disappearing bliss, only through darkness do we truly miss, not seeing the stars, sunlight, resist, not wondering who or what we are, looking, searching from afar, never to realize, never to see that the life we live is lived through me, not wondering, isn't a question, only a thought placed without suggestion, new blood screaming, new bloods fury, the new world to be wasted in a hurry, why cry, lives end, ending in a flurry.(herb)

just a line


Guiding us by the hand, wrists limp, stringing along, following like a puppet being dragged through the dirt, never glimpsing the passings, not noticing the hurt, misunderstanding the moments, misunderstanding it all, why does it live, why won't it fall, gravity's greatness holding up mass, stressing the cracks of a conservatives ass, bending to time, life, and emotion, when this life ends climb into the ocean, soft and deep it all flows freely, as we end up on the beach as dried up old sea weed.(herb)

just a line


Analytically dividing thoughts into a less useful format.(herb)

just a line


What is time without the moments, lifes little quarks, all those little components, having never traced back, back towards descendants, why are we who we think we are, only seeing from inside, never from afar, existence leaves its tiny scar, as we close our eyes, dreaming, reaching for the stars, only to find that we are trapped, stuck in mortality, out lives stuck in repetitive motion, light leaves day, seeping back towards the ocean, setting the sun on reality, beginning the gloom of endeavor and devotion.(herb)

just a line


Transcending evolution, transparently clear, metaphors fly freely without living I fear, thoughts running ramped, disconcerted with it, the life lost while obviously never living shit, I ponder the moment, speaking within, Why! I scream, no louder than a pout, trying, figuring, transcending to the out.(herb)

just a line


What's left when it's all gone, all wrong, wasted, trying the dawn, how far from real we are, for what is reality without its formalities, death for the hearty they stumble to party, lifeless beings trying, well why not me, I see, many perspectives of proportional realism's dwindled down to minute simplicities, fractured thoughts, patterns of bliss, why is it that I miss, misunderstood, just misunderstanding, why life can be so demanding, I can't stand it, so demeaning, these things haunt my daily routine, being mean, isn't seen through a screen, filtered through fine lines of light and gray, what to say, losing sight with-in the day, blinding as the sun rips through, guiding, disregarding laws, defining the way, showing the truth, deciding the day.(herb)

just a line


Have you ever fallen with your hands in your pockets?
Have you ever stuck your fingers in the sockets?
We know it hurts, but its a hurt that dies away.
Not like the suffering I go through for thinking in this way.
Its not my fault for being born who I am.
For seeing through there fucking sham.
For seeing through the lies and shit.
You think I can turn my feelings off and quit?
You dont know who I am
So dont judge me.
You dont know what I feel
So dont shit on me.
You dont know who I am
So dont dismiss me
You dont know what I feel
You dont amuse me.
I try to live as best I can
It just conflicts with their grand plan
Im gonna work to elevate them
Just enough to bring them down
Then Im gonna rise above them
And steal their fucking crowns
Get rid of all the crapshoot
And make the world new-born
We all know revolution's easier than reform
I know the price they make us pay
You think I wanna turn my back and walk away?
You dont know who I am
So dont judge me.
You dont know what I feel
So dont shit on me.
You dont know who I am
So dont dismiss me
You dont know what I feel
You dont amuse me.
Rise from the ashes
Of our shattered dreams
My wasted youth
Wasn't as useless as it seems
I am not as harmless as I seem
You dont know who I am.
So dont judge me.
You dont know what I feel
So dont shit on me.
You dont know what I'll do
So you fear me
You dont know me
So you destroy me. (trent)

just a line


Thinking of my souls sovereignity,
I build up all the things you hate in me,
Fill me up with over pious badgerings,
If you wanna know my truth just step up and see.
They hit from the right,
With their fascist Ideology,
They strike out at the left,
simply fearing their anarchy,
Whichever way you turn you'll see,
the simple truth spill out of me.
Well I for one have had enough,
And I can't take no more,
Sick and tired and all drawn out,
You've sucked me dry like a whore.
They hit from the right,
With their fascist Ideology,
They strike out at the left,
simply fearing their anarchy,
Whichever way you turn you'll see,
the simple truth spill out of me.
For years we've kept our mouths closed,
Silenced by capitalist beuraucracy,
If only we unite as a common front,
And bring the truth of democracy. (trent)

just a line


Angers a special thing to me,
My little pet I nurture and care,
Its something I always have with me,
Something that tinges the air.
I get it from my selfish side,
When things dont go my way,
But I also get it from those hypocritical things,
We see and hear every day.
I hope to change my own errs,
To lose my simple vices,
But for those who give me more to contain,
One day the they'll pay their prices.(trent)

just a line


Kick back and chill,
Sit back and fly,
Just go wild,
Then open up wide.
Feel your heart pund,
Your head spin and turn,
For these simple delights,
You'll soon learn to yearn.
Hope it won't stop,
Pray it won't go away,
But some day you'll realize,
The simple things won't stay.(trent)

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