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The Unofficial John Fuglesang Appreciation Page - Future Work


I know this seems like shameless webpage padding, mostly because it is shameless webpage padding. But the two key things to remember here are 1. I'm bored and 2. I can.

SPORTS NIGHT - Not only is this show very funny, it's doing the best character development I've seen in a while, so it makes perfect sense to me that they'd be looking for an actor good at weaving the comedy and character together.

THE NEWSROOM - This Canadian dead-pan (and dead-on) parody of the employess at a daily news program (think Spinal Tap) has an egocentric dim-witted anchor, Jim Walcott, that I think would be fun for any actor to jump into. He's also middle aged, so this wouldn't be do-able for Mr. Fuglesang for another 12-15 years or so. But that's for the best as there's no need to shoot an American version yet, what with the Canadian version still fresh.

QUEER AS FOLK - This is a British show that I was lucky enough to catch while I was in London. Part soap opera, part comedy, all brilliance. My flatmates and I all cursed that it was only being released in the European PAL tape format. Of course, an end around that would be if they produced an American version - Mr. Fugelsang being ideally suited for the leading man, Stuart. He's the jerk who can walk into a club and take home any man (or couple of men) he wants. His best friend Vince is in love with him, as is the 15 year old Nathan who he had a one night stand with. Then there's the whole fathering the lesbian couple's child... As Stuart himself put it in the final episode "My world's so f*cking huge!"

WHOSE LINE IS IT, ANYWAY? - Well, now, this is probably the most likely. It's right on ABC, where he has to be once a week for AFV anyway. He's got the background in comedy and..well..the only other reason I can think of is *I* would enjoy it. On the other hand, can anyone think of a good reason he wouldn't be on this show? hmmm????? (I didn't think so).

"1776" : Mind you, I'm never going to be completely happy with any production of this show until someone lets me play all the parts (but I'd settle for just John Adams - I'm not picky). However, as that is unlikely to happen anytime soon I'd be content to see another of my favorite actors in the role. Let's see...who do I know is an actor and fond of heated political debating in front of audiences (like on P.I.)? No,no, don't tell me...I'm sure someone will come to mind....

The Rocky Horror Picture Show: While the fan in me just wants to go with the fishnets clad Dr. Frank, the future casting director has to go with "Brad Majors...(a**h*le)." Just give that man some glasses and you'd have Super A**h*le! For more on Rocky, see the Rocky Quotes section of this site.

Questions? Comments? Further Casting Ideas?
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