Thomism and Intelligent Design - A Series of articles in response to Professor Edward Feser

Table of Contents

Part One: Does Intelligent Design have a fundamentally flawed view of the natural world?

Part Two: Intelligent Design on why reality has to be built from the bottom up as well as from the top down

Part Three: The true origin of the clockwork universe metaphor

Part Four: In praise of William Paley, a man much maligned

Part Five: Four Metaphors for the Cosmos: A Story about a Watch, a Lute, a Recipe and a Symphony

Part Six: Feser's Fifth: Why his up-to-date version of Aquinas' Fifth Way fails as a proof, and how to make it work

Part Seven: How Intelligent Design complements Aquinas' Fifth Way

Table of Contents (As seen on the Uncommon Descent Website)

Paley's argument from design: Did Hume refute it, and is it an argument from analogy? (December 30, 2012)

Was Paley a mechanist? (January 1, 2013)

Was Paley a classical theist, and does his design argument lead us to a false God? (January 3, 2013)

What makes a thing a thing? Why reality has to be built from the bottom up as well as from the top down (January 4, 2013)

Building a bridge between Scholastic philosophy and Intelligent Design (January 5, 2013)

Intelligent Design and mechanism: laying a myth to rest (January 8, 2013)

Four Metaphors for the Cosmos: A Story about a Watch, a Lute, a Recipe and a Symphony (January 8, 2013)

Feser's Fifth: Why his up-to-date version of Aquinas' Fifth Way fails as a proof, and how to make it work