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Contact - How to get in touch with us.

Info - More about Redline Radio.

Schedule - What's playing and when.

Shows - In depth information about some of our shows.

Events - Upcoming events being sponsored by the station.

Links - Other sites we like.

Station News:

6/7/03 - We got robbed! Our mixer was stolen. RLR is again off the air until further notice.

6/5/03 - We've moved into a new studio. Our coverage should be the same or better than it was previously.

5/13/03 - RLR has gone off the air until further notice.

We've been ripped off!

At some point between Thursday night and Saturday morning, somebody broke into our new studio and took our mixing board. This is the heart of our station. We can't do anything with out it. Redline radio is in a desperate financial crisis and will not be able to purchase a new mixer with out your help! Please contact for information on how you can help. With the FCC giving obscene power to the major media companies today, none of us can afford to lose another independant voice.

The missing piece of gear.

RLR needs your old computers! (among other things)

If you have purchased a computer at any point, I'm sure you've become painfully familiar with this one fact of computer life: Planned Obsolesence.

Most computers become outdated within six months of their original purchase date. Computer companies plan on this, so they can sell you new computers. This leaves a lot of people stuck with old, obsolete computers that they can't use.

Lucky for you Redline Radio still has a need for those computers. As we don't have ANY computers, anything we get is better than what we had. Right now, all computer related work is done by a few of the collective members with access to comptuers.

So if you have an old computer sitting in a basement/attic/closet, or on a table next to a new computer where it never gets used, consider putting it to work by sending it to us.

Looking For:

Old iMacs (or greater than 166Mhz 603 PowerPC Mac)
Pentium II 233Mhz (or greater) PC Compatible
Monitors or other periphary

We will happily accept donations. If financial reimbursement is required, we can work something out. Please contact us.

If you're looking for Redline Radio's coverage of the March 20th protest in chicago, please follow this link.

Last Update 6/8/03
rubber duckie 2003