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S.B. Karavashkin, O.N. Karavashkina


  1. Skudrzyk, E. Simple and complex vibratory systems. Mir, Moscow, 1971, 557 pp. (Russian, from edition: Skudrzyk E. Simple and complex vibratory systems. The Pennsylvania State University Press, University Park and London, 1968)

  2. King N. Tong. Theory of mechanical vibration. State Scientific and Technical Publishing for Machinery Literature, Moscow, 1963, 354 pp. (Russian, from edition: King N. Tong. Theory of mechanical vibration. John Wiley & Sons, New York – London, 1961)

  3. Atkinson, F.V. Discrete and continuous boundary problems. Mir, Moscow, 1969, 750 pp. (Russian, from edition: Atkinson F.V. Discrete and continuous boundary problems. Academic Press, New York – London, 1964)

  4. Mirolyubov, A.A. and Soldatov, M.A. Linear heterogeneous difference equations. Nauka, Moscow, 1986, 126 pp. (Russian)

  5. Cherepennikov, V.B. Functional parameter method in ordinary differential equations theory. Nauka, Suburb Division, Novosibirsk, 1983, 113 pp. (Russian)

  6. Chernousko, F.L. Snake-like motions of multibody systems over a rough plane. Control of Oscillations and Chaos 2000. 2nd International conference, Proceedings, vol.2, pp. 321-326

  7. Gonzaga Velez, P., Gimena Ramos, F.N. Diseno de estructuras lineales. Colleccion: Ingenieria, 1. Universidad Publica de Navarra, 1998, 184 pp. (Spanish)

  8. Gimena Ramos, F. Resolucion numerica de sistemas de ecuaciones lineales. Problemas de contorno. Revista de edificacion RE, # 20, pp. 34-36 (Spanish)

  9. Pavlinov, V.N., Kizelvater, D.S. and Lin, N.G. Fundamentals of geology. Nedra, Moscow, 2001, 270 pp. (Russian)

  10. Haug, E. Geology. ONTGIZ NKTP USSR, Moscow, 1935, 576 pp. (Russian, from edition: Haug, E. Traite de geologie. Vol. 1. Les phenomenes geologiques. Paris, Librarie Armand Colin)

  11. Savarenskiy, E.F. Earthquakes. In Physical encyclopaedia, vol.2, the cited pp.70-71. Sovetskaya encyclopedia, Moscow, 1962, 608 pp. (Russian)

  12. Savarenskiy, E.F. Seismic waves. In: Physical encyclopaedia, 4, the cited pp.507-508. Sovetskaya encyclopedia, Moscow, 1965, 592 pp. (Russian)

  13. Kolski, G. Stress waves in solids. Inostrannaya literatura, Moscow, 1955, 200 pp. (Russian, translated from English)

  14. Pfeiffer, P. Vibrations of elastic bodies. The All-the-Union Scientific and Technical Publishing, Moscow – Leningrad, 1934 (Russian; from edition: Handbuch Der Physik, band VI. Mechanik Der Elastischen Korper. Redigiert von R. Grammel. Berlin, 1928).

  15. Sobolev, S.L. Sur le vibrations d’un demiplan et d’une couche a conditions initiales arbitraire. Mathematical collection, 40 (1933)

  16. Stoneley, R. Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 103 (1924), 416

  17. Love, A.E.H. Some problems of geodynamics. Cambridge, 1911

  18. Muller, L. Engineering geology. The rocks-mass mechanics. Mir, Moscow, 1971, 255 pp. (Russian, from edition: Muller, L. Der Felsbau. Erster Band, Theoretischer Teel, Ferdinand Enke Verlag, Stuttgart, 1963)

  19. Stini, J. Technische Gesteinskunde. Springer, Wien, 1929

  20. Karavashkin, S.B. Exact analytical solution on infinite one-dimensional elastic lumped-parameters line vibration. Materials, Technologies, Tools. The Journal of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, v.4, 1999, #3, pp.15-23 (Russian)

  21. Karavashkin, S.B. Exact analytical solution for 1D elastic homogeneous finite lumped line vibration. The primted version: Materials, Technologies, Tools. The Journal of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 4 (1999), 4, 5-14 (Russian). The electronic version in English: SELF archive, or Mathematical Physics Preprint Archive,

  22. Karavashkin, S.B. Some features of the forced vibrations modelling for 1d homogeneous elastic lumped lines. The printed version: Materials, Technologies, Tools. The Journal of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 5 (2000), 3, 14-19 (Russian). The electronic version in English: SELF Transactions, or Mathematical Physics Preprint Archive,

  23. Karavashkin, S.B. Peculiarities of inclined force action upon one-dimensional homogeneous elastic lumped line arXiv, Los Alamos, USA, # math-ph/0006028

  24. Karavashkin, S.B. and Karavashkina, O.N. On complex resonance vibration systems calculation. SELF Transactions, or Mathematical Physics Preprint Archive,

  25. Pohl, R.V. Mechanics, acoustics and heat theory. The State Publishing of Technical and Theoretical Literature, Moscow, 1957, 484 pp. (Russian)


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