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Friday, 16 December 2005
am speechless
Mood:  happy
Topic: Memories
yah l dont belive wat hapnd todae ... taff and l had a serious chat u noe lemme put e conv well tha waz in e morning
Taffy chayaz: iweeeeeeeeeeeeee
lavoe: wat now
lavoe: so wat up
lavoe: l sed wat up
lavoe: taffy r u there
lavoe: soz
lavoe: ko y where u sayin iweeeeeeeeeeeeee
Taffy chayaz: ko y wer u ignorin me..i waz juss being goofy
lavoe: yeh
lavoe: l wasnt , e comp juss disconected itself so l had 2 restart t
lavoe: hw waz yo day
Taffy chayaz: terrible'
lavoe: why
Taffy chayaz: cz man i need a gurl
lavoe: thn get one
lavoe: wats hard bout gettin a gurl , l thought u gt yo game properz n yo hands
Taffy chayaz: scared
lavoe: y u scared
Taffy chayaz: dnt wanna get hurt or hurt someone
lavoe: oh .... so watchu gonna do
Taffy chayaz: im gettin tyter with jazzie
lavoe: so huk up wit her ... bt t all depends f u think u'l b happy thn noproblem
Taffy chayaz: she's changed a lot
lavoe: is t , thn wat r u waitin fo
Taffy chayaz: i feel bad
Taffy chayaz: i sed i feel bad
lavoe: y do u feel bad
Taffy chayaz: cz of u
lavoe: wat bout m
Taffy chayaz: figure it out..y would i feel bad abt havn anatha chck wen u there..aint it obvious to u
lavoe: k fyn l get t .... u noe wat b w jazy understand this am millions km away 4rm u , and she b like rilly close u noe ... l aint tryna implay anythin
Taffy chayaz: bt....tha question is, hw do u feel abt me?
lavoe: ahhhhhhhhh
lavoe: wel , l wuldnt noe ryt its juu tha e mre we tok e mre l feel closer to u
lavoe: wel , l wuldnt noe ryt its juu tha e mre we tok e mre l feel closer to u
Taffy chayaz: i kno u got some sort of feeling in there lavo
Taffy chayaz: tel me
Taffy chayaz: wats on yo mind abt u and me
lavoe: l guec wat u noe is kinda e truth
Taffy chayaz: i want to hear it from u..juss say it
lavoe: well yah l kinda do smuck 4 you
Taffy chayaz: awwwwwww
lavoe: wat
Taffy chayaz: see
Taffy chayaz: i dnt feel nice abt goin out with anatha chck cz id get so jealous if u did it
lavoe: iwe l noe taff but as l sed n life thy r dissapointments
Taffy chayaz: bt dnt forget that u myt be comin here
Taffy chayaz: its not definate bt its a start
lavoe: l noe , bt thats like 2007
Taffy chayaz: will u have forgotten me by then..i kno ill neva
lavoe: taffy hell no , u noe l gt much luv already
Taffy chayaz: lol
Taffy chayaz: i kno i kno
Taffy chayaz: bt i kno guys out there really like u too
lavoe: u can alwaz have a space 4 sum1
Taffy chayaz: yea..i gess wen that dreadful day comes amma juss have to take it and be yo frend
lavoe: yah , dont worry its aite
lavoe: ddid u c yo photo comment
lavoe: l sed did u c yo photo comment
Taffy chayaz: oh yea i did..thanks a lot,i waz draftin up a testi fo u,bt i dnt kno hw to summarize it cz therees so mch to say abt u
lavoe: is t ....u welcum
Taffy chayaz: yea thanks shaa
Taffy chayaz: ko dnt u have new pics?
lavoe: yah , but l have put thm on hi5
lavoe: *HAVENT
Taffy chayaz: today?
Taffy chayaz: ohh
lavoe: l'l put thm sumtym , cant fin the cable to ma camera
lavoe: l have to go nw wel to my cuz house , so take care
Taffy chayaz: put yo hot lil ass on there so that all gus can drool
Taffy chayaz: guys*
lavoe: ayt
Taffy chayaz: u too..luv u lots
lavoe: l have to go nw wel to my cuz house , so take care
Taffy chayaz: bye
lavoe: later
Taffy chayaz: l8a

l feel so relievd happy athough will b doin a lil bit of our immets by e side but u donno hw relieved l am

Posted by la3/lavo at 1:40 PM EST
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Friday, 28 October 2005
1. Dont lie to us, we always find out.
2. We dont enjoy talking dirty to you as much as you enjoy listening.
3. Dont say you understand when you dont.
4. Girls are pretty; get over it especially yours.
5. You don't have PMS ; don't act like you know what it's like.
6. Saying something sweet might get you off the hook; doing something sweet will always get you off the hook.
7. If you talk about having a big dick ; we know you don't.
8. Size does matter, but only to hoes ; not girls that want relationships.
9. We don't like it when you act like Mr. Big.
10. A system in your car only impresses your homeboys not us.
11. No matter what you say , your ex-girlfriend is a hoe.
12. It's good to be sensitive, sometimes.
13. If you did something wrong or even if you didn't, apologize.
14. Be spontaneous; dinner and a movie won't always cut it.
15. We are self-conscious by nature; we can't help it.
16. We are D r A m A quee...

Posted by la3/lavo at 1:11 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 19 October 2005
Mood:  not sure
am so l dont knw am not sure bout wat am feeling ryt now mybe angry , sad , quite sad like am frowning ryt now gosh l dont knw l was laughing in the afternun water invited me to a rugby dinner l cant go mann l'll c e chiwaras , munyaradzi and ol those funky teachers from shed and kc l cant do that am sure mr munya will call bunting and tune somfin silly like cum c your lil 'sis' ......

Posted by la3/lavo at 11:59 AM EDT
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Thursday, 13 October 2005

l donno , who eva will read this knowing someone could be really greeat but if its a guy it really sucks at first it culd be nyc but wat happened 2 me today makes me think twice of meeting that person sumthin u joke around wit sum1 eems like a big deal all of a sudden , if that person only knew how much l appreciate them as my frend , lets say his name is BTC me : wasup BTC: so wat was that e-mail usent for? BTC: huh? me: which one me: ? me: wat did it say BTC: wen u wer like.."thanks for the time" BTC: wen u wer like.."thanks for the time" me: oh that l was half asleep , sorry me: you just woke up right BTC: yea..u didt have to leave that messege you know.i got cut off,its not like i just left you me: BTC l said SSOORRYY , dont need to be all touched bout it hey at least l said sorry BTC: now u gettin all moody BTC: u got a serious problem BTC: respect BTC: and its gettin to me me: nah , you are wat l deserve {he logd of coz l think he didnt want to read my reply } l realy did cry afta dis and send him an email sayin : HOW CONFUSED L WAS AND WHY HE WAS AKIN SERIOUS THINGZ WE USED TO JOKE AROUND AND ALL ryt now l dony care if he dont eant to talk to me anymre coz l cried already l knw l wuldnt want that coz l wil miss him but if its meant to be that way let it be ryt now am feeling good coz l have written it down

Posted by la3/lavo at 2:46 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 19 October 2005 12:47 PM EDT
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l donno , who eva will read this knowing someone could be really greeat but if its a guy it really sucks at first it culd be nyc but wat happened 2 me today makes me think twice of meeting that person

sumthin u joke around wit sum1 eems like a big deal all of a sudden , if that person only knew how much l appreciate them as my frend , lets say his name is BTC

me : wasup
BTC: so wat was that e-mail usent for?
BTC: huh?
me: which one
me: ?
me: wat did it say
BTC: wen u wer like.."thanks for the time"
BTC: wen u wer like.."thanks for the time"
me: oh that l was half asleep , sorry
me: you just woke up right
BTC: yea..u didt have to leave that messege you know.i got cut off,its not like i just left you
me: taffy l said SSOORRYY , dont need to be all touched bout it hey at least l said sorry
BTC: now u gettin all moody
BTC: u got a serious problem
BTC: respect
BTC: and its gettin to me
me: nah , you are wat l deserve
{he logd of coz l think he didnt want to read my reply }

l realy did cry afta dis and send him an email sayin : HOW CONFUSED L WAS AND WHY HE WAS AKIN SERIOUS THINGZ WE USED TO JOKE AROUND AND ALL ryt now l dony care if he dont eant to talk to me anymre coz l cried already l knw l wuldnt want that coz l wil miss him but if its meant to be that way let it be

ryt now am feeling good coz l have written it down

Posted by la3/lavo at 2:46 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 28 September 2005
Mood:  not sure
am so l dont knw am not sure bout wat am feeling ryt now mybe angry , sad , quite sad like am frowning ryt now gosh l dont knw l was laughing in the afternun water invited me to a rugby dinner l cant go mann l'll c e chiwaras , munyaradzi and ol those funky teachers from shed and kc l cant do that am sure mr munya will call bunting and tune somfin silly like cum c your lil 'sis' ......

Posted by la3/lavo at 11:28 AM EDT
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Mood:  not sure
am so l dont knw am not sure bout wat am feeling ryt now mybe angry , sad , quite sad like am frowning ryt now gosh l dont knw l was laughing in the afternun water invited me to a rugby dinner l cant go mann l'll c e chiwaras , munyaradzi and ol those funky teachers from shed and kc l cant do that am sure mr munya will call bunting and tune somfin silly like cum c your lil 'sis' ......

Posted by la3/lavo at 11:27 AM EDT
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