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The site is progressing well with the addition of this USA map and the new starting point for the "Train" section of my website. My son, Thomas, has worked overtime on coming up with all the answers to my many demands - thanks son. As you can see there are gray areas and colored areas. The colored areas represent states where I have pictures posted for that state. Hopefully, you will have some sort of geography background to know where you are, but if not just place the hand over the state and the name will appear to the bottom left of your monitor. Enjoy your look around and if you want to see something in particular let me know and I will try to post it for you. I would suggest that you start your train visit at my state, Louisiana, and viewing what is stashed away down in the "Bayou" state. I will try to add a little something to each state, but remember things are under construction. Be sure to sign my guestbook or drop me an email and let me know what you think. All comments or suggestions are welcomed.

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