Shelley Beasley Memorial
Shelley Beasley Memorial

"To see an angel,
one must look through believeing eyes"

"Shelley, My Angel"
November 18, 1979~September 28, 1998
"Fly away my Angel.
Spread your wings and fly;
Take the beauty of your soul,
And share it with the sky."

My beautiful daughter, Shelley,
became an angel on the night of September 28, 1998
due to accidental gunshot injury involving her older brother,
who always looked out for her, and who Shelley always looked up to.
This web site was created for her by me, Shelley's mom.
It is a heartbreaking task,
but one that gives some satisfaction in knowing
that her memory will live on through its pages.
A mother's greatest fear after losing a child is
that others will forget them.
It is my hope that in visiting these pages,
you will know and feel the love in my heart
that aches for my beautiful Shelley.
She was not only my daughter, but my friend as well.
So for all who knew her
and for those who never got the chance,
meet Shelley Marie Beasley

"My Girl"

Daughter of:
Jim Beasley & Peggy Swain-Blades
Granddaughter of:
Jimmie C. Beasley & Marjorie Collier Beasley
Johnnie L. Swain & Violet Sibley Swain
Half Sister of:
Shane Michael Talbot
Shelley attended Walker schools and was a student at
Southeastern Louisiana University
at the time of her accident.

Only when you have drank from the river
of silence shall you indeed sing.
And when you have reached the mountain top,
then shall you begin to climb.
And when the earth shall claim your limbs,
then shall you truly dance.
(Prophet Kahlil Gilbran)

Love forms a circle that never ends....

"At death, the faithful will be ushered by angels
into the presence of God"
Rev. Billy Graham

"You will forever be in our hearts"

"And it came to pass, that Lazarus died,
and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom:
Luke chp. 16, vs 22
Holy Bible, King James Version
"Thank you Lord for the comfort of your word"...

John 11, vs. 25-26
"I am the resurrection, and the life:
he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die."
Holy Bible: King James Version

Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.
Psalm chp. 116: vs. 15

Please visit other "My Girl" Web Site Pages

Back to

"Other Memorial Websites"
"Shelley's Angel Cousin, Kelly"
(Kelly Swain Blades Memorial Website)
"In Remembrance of Shelley"
(A website for Shelley created by Kathleen & Kelli Brackin)

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It would mean so much to us

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