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Of Love and Music

Gerard Butler as Erik, The Phantom
Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera

Each quote is taken from one of the stories posted here.

The Phantom of the Opera has finally come to the silver screen, and I am over-joyed to say that I had the opportunity to see it almost a month before the limited-release. It was wonderful...and, despite the ramblings of the harshest critics, I believe Gerard gave a wonderful performance as our beloved Erik.

People need to stop comparing every actor who takes on he part to Michael Crawford.

More Phantom ranting later.

I'll leave you now with a final quote, this one from a story not yet completed...approperiatly enough, from a Phantom FanFiction...

Eyes closed, a smile half-formed on her lips...she stood, leaning back against the harsh brick of the wall, palms pressed flat against the man-made stone. At first he thought her near-asleep, in a trance of some sort...but then, on a wisp of the wind, he heard a hint Frozen in the moment, he closed his eyes against the sights of the night, and he heard what she real as life, there was music all around them. Carried through the evening, the sounds of the opera playing below surrounded them...more beautiful in that uncontained setting than any aria heard in the finest house.
Opening his eyes again, he looked to her and, for the first time, truly saw her. It seemed to him her soul danced, while her body remained still...a sight that took his breath away...

What do you think? Would you like to read more? Perhaps, the complete story I have taken this snippet from? Well, then, TELL ME. E-mail me at my new e-mail address:

I wonder if I got my point across? He he...

Forever and Always,

Gabrielle Renee LeBlanc

About Me

In sleep he sang to me
In dreams he came

That voice which calls to me
And speaks my name

And do I dream again
For now I find

The Phantom of the Opera is here

Inside my mind...
