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About Me
(and my so-called life)


My name is Gabrielle Renee LeBlanc...and I would very much like to be a writer. With a name like mine, one does expect great acomplishments...and as I seem a failure at the usual academics and am not of the right type of beauty to become and actress, I set my desires on the written word.

As you can see from the small selection of stories here, time has worn down some of my eagerness. I am not so qucik to post all of my writings as I once was. I'd like to be a better author, and am trying my hardest to become so.

I have decided that I am going to finish Sacrifices, as well as move on to more serious endevors than fanfiction and cheap romance novels. I want to create something of merrit...something good and true and lasting.

And I think that I now have the capacity within myself to do so. You see, I've fallen in-love. Who knew that happened outside of fiction? But yes, it's true...and with this new discovery comes the delights and pains of love in the real world.

It's not always perfect. It's not always beautiful. It's real, it's honest and, at times, it's wonderful.

I believe I've changed because of him. I've grown up, and my out look on life has changed drastically. I hope whatever writings come from me now reflect that change...and I hope you enjoy them.

Thank you for reading.

Forever and always,

Gabrielle Renee LeBlanc

