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"Never Mess With Shit You Know Nothing About"

by Anonymous

When I was about 12 or 13 years old I was very close to one of my cousins. During that time, she and I used to do just about everything together. One night, I was spending the night at her house, and on this particular night, my cousin was in an experimental mood (she was always experimenting with one thing or another as she was very daring and bold) and she decided she was going to take off her clothes and wrap herself in a black satin cloth, she took a box and covered it with another piece of black satin cloth. She pulled out a couple of candles, lit them and put one on each of the far corners of the makeshift table, pulled out a knife and started chanting and calling out to Satan and Lucifer and the Prince of Darkness. She took the knife and put it to her chest hard enough to draw blood. Meanwhile, I'm sitting there watching her and asking her not to do this, but if I had opened the bedroom door, someone would have seen what she was doing and we both would have ended up in deep shit. All I could do was sit there and watch, and be nervous about what she was doing.

Well, nothing out of the ordinary happened that night, and I was very relieved.

The following night, I was in my own house. It was late and everyone was asleep. It was about one o'clock in the morning and I was washing dishes. I had been having problems sleeping, so I was wide awake. I was bored as hell while standing there doing the dishes. The kitchen in the apartment we lived in at that time had 2 doorways, one behind me and one to the left of me. At one point, through the corner of my eye, I saw some movement in the doorway to my left...but it wasn't just any kind of movement. What I saw was a huge black shadow, about 7 feet tall, and it seemed to peek its head into the kitchen, look at me for a moment, and then retreat back behind the wall. I bugged out, I thought I was imagining things. But then it happened again, a second time, and this time I saw it clearly. It was a dark shape, in the form of a man, very tall, and it looked like a shadow, not a person. I didn't want to believe that this was really happening, so again, I figured I was imagining things because it was so late so, again, I went back to what I was doing. The third time, the shadow didn't just peek in, it passed by the doorway and headed towards the back of the apartment. Our bedrooms were back there, so was the bathroom. I was terrified, I didn't dare move. I just stood there and trembled and cried. I had no idea what was going on.

After about a half hour or so of standing there, scared to shit, I got up the nerve to leave my spot in front of the sink and peek into the hallway. Everything was dark and the light from the kitchen only reached so far. The light to the hallway wasn't close to me, but I had to know, so I ran to the switch and turned on the light. The light reached into the bathroom, so it wasn't so frightening to look in there, so I walked in and turned on the light. There was nothing there. I shared a bedroom with my brothers then, and I couldn't really turn on the light in there, but I was able to look in there with no problem with just that light from the hallway, and there was nothing there either. My parents' bedroom door was closed and we had always been told never to walk in there, to always knock first. I knocked real soft on the door and called out to my mom. She was asleep and didn't hear me, so I knocked a little harder and she finally woke up and asked what was wrong. I asked her if there was anyone in there. She said that my father was in there. I asked her if there was anyone else in there aside from him. She was half asleep and I just confused the hell out of her, and she replied to me again, sounding annoyed and said that nobody else was in there.

Apparently, whatever it had been that I saw, was either a figment of my imagination or it was gone.

The next day, I called my cousin and she told me that something very strange had happened to her the previous night. Mind you, I hadn't told her anything about what had happened to me yet. She just started blurting out everything that had happened to her.

Apparently, the night before, she had been lying on her bed, and she couldn't sleep. Next thing she knows, she gets this sudden, uncontrollable and inexplicable urge to sleep that she couldn't keep her eyes open, no matter how hard she tried. She fell asleep - hard. Sometime after she had fallen asleep, she suddenly woke up when she felt something soft and light pass over the sole of her foot. She figured it was the blanket passing over her feet as she moved around in her sleep, so she dismissed it. That uncontrollable urge to sleep came to her again and she fell out for the second time...but it happened again with her foot, and she woke up. Now she's getting a bit curious, and since she slept in the top bunk and her sister slept in the bottom, she thought her sister was playing a joke on her. When she looked down on her sister, she was very much asleep so she dismissed it a second time. Again, she fell asleep the same way. This time, it wasn't her foot, she woke up immediately when she felt something blow in her ear. What she saw when she woke up was something that she never saw before in her life and it scared her to death. What she saw was a dark shape, a tall, dark shadow about 7 or 8 feet tall and she saw this shadow as it left her bedside, and it fled under her bedroom door, which was closed.

She did the same thing as I did, first she checked on her sister who was sound asleep underneath her on the bottom bunk, she got up the nerve to turn on the light, leave her bed, and go out to into the hallway and check the bathroom, living room, kitchen and other bedrooms. There was nothing there.

After she told me this, I told her my story. We both vowed that we would never, for the rest of our lives, mess around with shit we didn't understand or know nothing about. In a way I figured that what had happened to her was worse because whatever it was had touched her. She was the one doing the chanting and calling out, I was just there in the same room, and I tried to stop her.

To this day, I don't know if what we saw was something good warning us not to fuck around with shit we had no business messing with, or if it was something bad telling us, "You called? What do you want?" I like to think it was the former, but to tell you the truth, I honestly think it was the latter. I have never fucked around with that stuff again, and don't intend to. I keep away from ouija boards and the like and would hate to think what would happen if I ever got near one.

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