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To be perfectly honest, I only found one majorly glaring mistake in this movie. But here it is:
Remember the scene where Ellie first discovers the message? She dashes back into the building, and they're all running around like loonies. Then the message stops, and so does everything else. After a while, it comes back, and they realise that it's in prime numbers. They start counting: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, etc. But after 11, they all start talking loudly, and pretty much ignore the sequence of the message. If you listen really carefully, and count the *blaps*, you'll notice that after 13, they don't bother stopping and starting anymore. They figure we're not listening, and won't notice. THEY DIDN'T COUNT ON ME, NOW DID THEY?? Sorry, production people, someone did notice!!

UPDATE: Thanks to Roy Greer the following mistake was also found - Ellie has just slept with Palmer, and tells him that she was 9 years old when her father died. Later, when Hadden is giving her the overview of her life, he says that her birthday is on 25th August 1964, and that her father died on 10th November 1974. That would make her 10!! Nit-picking? You betya!!!

UPDATE: I have been getting so many E-mails! Two new mistakes have been discovered, the first by Syfert, who pointed out the following mistake: (note: you'll need to get REALLY close to the screen to see this one.) You know the scene when Ellie and Palmer are at the White House gathering, with Ellie in her gorgeous dress? They go outside, and Ellie complains that, "It's a little chilly!" Palmer, like the chivilrous gentleman he is (guys, take note!!) gives her his jacket. Ellie says thank you, and Palmer says you're welcome. However, if you watch REALLY closely, Palmer's mouth moves a few seconds before you actually hear him saying, "You're welcome". Syfert's suggestion was shoddy voice-over, which makes sense to me.

The second update comes courtesy of Ken Smith who noticed that, when you have the fly over scene of all the cars and tents outside the VLA, it's actually the same shot, shown twice! Towards the beginning you see a red and white tent, with a school bus right next to it. Later in the shot, you see the same red tent, and bus, on the other side of the screen, and a little distorted, but they're the same!! Isn't CGI wonderful for cheating?!? Oh well, that's what it's there for.

If anybody else has spotted any more mistakes in the movie, I'd love to hear about them! I'm the sort of nit-picky, annoying person who needs to know this stuff. So E-Mail me.

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