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Crysania's Haven


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Yes it's a little guestbook, come on don't be shy and sign it. I'm sure lots of other people have already. Well atleast it's not my dreambook, but if I get emails of people wanting me to stick my dreambook up on this page too I guess I'll just have to. Here's a little song for my T-Town friends that know me.

They'll probably kill me because of this song. But oh well. The first one is autostart so if you don't like it. Just click on the second one after you click stop to the first one. They dont' sound good if you play them both at once. If you don't like one then try the other.

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New UPDATE, reason why I haven't replied to any of the emails sent to me is because I got a new internet provider, and it took me a while to get an actual email. So it is no longer the netcom one. My NEW email is PROPHET@DCCNET.COM lower case though when you use it. IF you do like MUD here's one that I totally recommend, this is for hardcore players though. I use to be on it all the time, but I can't find any time to play anymore.... Arctic Mud.

Okay who else hates the stupid pop up menus on Angelfire. I hate them sooo much!!! I could kill them. When entering a page and that happens it usually just turns me off the page right away. Don't ask me why but it does and it just ruins my whole entire day.


Here are TWO FAMOUS pictures of myself. First one I'm young so your lucky the whole picture is there. The second one is about a year ago. And that's all your gonna get to see so feel lucky.
Young, 1 year ago.


Okay I admit it. I am from the infamous T-TOWN!!!!!!!! The most boring place in the world. And trust me if you ever visit this place. Flee for your life. You'll be trapped forever in an eternal ABYSS of boredome where every night all you do is go for a Sev Run and go to so called parties. Where they are usually at your house and everything get's stolen. The background I like but I have another one just can't find this in my files anywhere so it probably won't work when I upload it in. And all you'll probably get is black, white, or an ugly gray color. Hey I probably am the only person in the whole world of the internet in RL that has an all girl AD&D campaign. And yes it is held in my own little world that I created. But I got psychotic friends so you gotta understand the meaning of life and what it does to you when you live in T-TOWN. Well here are some links to my friends pages and other stuff. You can email me any time I check my email Everyday but if it's requests for my pictures you will very likely get no reply.

Most of these links lead to pages owned by T-Town inhabitants, if there is any disturbing or profanic themic things. It is not related to this page, and so entering these pages you have agreed to the terms that you have read. It is the reality of life in a deprived town.

I am also not responsible for the other pages contained within this page even if I made them. If in any way they are wierd blame it on T-Town.


Friends Pages (Sad but true, all T-Towners)

Jewels Wee Little Page O' Fun

Dystopian Dream Girl's Page

Saturday Night Diva's Spice Girl Page

Dan's Page

Timelord: The Destruction of Time

Nick's South Park Page




More Links To My Other Pages

Crysania's Dragonlance Page (non-frames)

Crysania's Dragonlance Page (frames)

"The Oath of the Hunting the Shadow" Page

My Page of Writing

My Page on Books

My Midi's Page

Metaphysical Theories

My AD&D Campaign

Movies that I LIKE!



EMAIL ME AT: Prophet@dccnetcom

LinkExchange Member