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Welcome to my web site!

Welcome to Eric " The Wolfmann " Mann's web site. for now the purpose of this site is jus to give an example of a, Hi this is me site! I design web sites. under the company name Wolfmann Enterprises. I have been in this biz for almost 4 years now. And I'm rather good at it. No I do not make these sites jus for the heck of it I do charge for them. But I can tell you right up front that I charge a lot less then anyone out there!

So please take a look around and check this site and the ones on the favorites page. I f you see anything you like e-mail me! I would love to hear about it! really I would. Even if you don't like something, In that case I really want to hear from you and what it is that you don't like!

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This page was last updated on 11/02/09.