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The Other Daily Show
Monday, 14 June 2004
The Other Daily Show -- Episode 25
Voiceover: This is HIP TV. We're 100% chickenhawk free.

(instrumental of Ja Rule's "Livin' It Up" plays)

Announcer: It's Monday, June 14, 2004! Tonight on the big show, Rush Limbaugh divorces again, Detroit Pistons win again, and Marion Barry runs again. We'll have the details on all of that, plus the WWTBAM updates. Here's your host, the most dangerous man on the Internet, Bo "Ice" Bielefeldt!

Ice: What up! This is "The Other Daily Show", and it's only 15 days until summer vacation. Let's get right 2 the show and find out What Else Is News?

("What Else Is News?" graphic appears, INXS' "New Sensation" plays in background)

Do we have that picture of the Bushes from the Ronald Reagan funeral on Friday?

Now, is it just me, or does it look like George H.W. and Barbara Bush are sleeping during the funeral? I mean, come on! That is so... William Casey.

Rush Limbaugh and his third wife, Marta, have divorced after 10 years. That's right--Mr. Family Values himself is in yet another divorce. I guess Marta finally got tired of Rush callin her a femi-Nazi while high on illegal medications from Mexico.

Marion Barry, the controversial ex-mayor of Washington, D.C., has just announced his candidacy 4 the D.C. council. Looks like it'll only be a matter of time before he's back on the crack pipe.

In sports news, the Detroit Pistons beat the Los Angeles Lakers in Game 4 of the NBA Finals. They now take a 3-1 lead in the series and are just one win away from the championship. Sports experts state that no NBA team has ever rebounded from a 3-1 deficit 2 win the title. Well, if one NBA team can rebound from such a deficit, if one team can pull off the miracle of the century... it sure as f[bleep]k won't be the Lakers.

BTW, tomorrow is June 15, so that means we're gonna hand out another Major-League
Assh[bleep]e Award. We've got three nominees this time around: one is a two-time winner already (Eminem), one has been nominated on at least three previous occasions (Tom DeLay), and one is a first-time nominee (Chuck Gibson). I'm gonna confer wit my crew and we'll decide who will win by our next show, which will be Wednesday. We won't be here tomorrow night cuz it's our third wedding anniversary and we're gonna go out 2 eat.

That's the news. Time 4 Millionaire Madness.

("Millionaire Madness" graphic appears, Barenaked Ladies' "If I Had $1,000,000" plays in background)

Syndicated Millionaire - June 14, 2004

Contestant, date(s)
Important Qs asked
Suzie Arcidiacono,
June 11-14, 2004
For $16,000:
An atom of what element contains only one proton and one electron?
Suzie thought A, but decided 2 use her 50:50. It left B and C. She said C, but lost.
A: Carbon
B: Hydrogen
C: Nitrogen
D: Oxygen
Bill Landrum,
Centreville, VA,
June 14, 2004
For $16,000:
Which of these children's books was originally written in German?
Bill asked the audience here. They offered A by a vote of 45-9-29-17. He thought either A or C, but decided 2 go along wit the audience.
A: The Little Prince
B: Stuart Little
C: Bambi
D: Winnie-the-Pooh
Eunice Huang,
Huntington Beach, CA,
June 14, 2004
For $4,000:
Ed and Trixie Norton are the upstairs neighbors on what classicsitcom?
By this time, the girlfriend of past $8K winner Reid Warner had squandered all of her lifelines. She thought C on this question, but surprisingly decided 2 quit wit $2K. She's the first ever U.S. contestant 2 walk away wit $2K. A new contestant will be in the Hot Seat tomorrow.
A: The Odd Couple
B: I Love Lucy
C: The Honeymooners
D: The Bob Newhart Show

Primetime Millionaire - January 24, 2001; $1,820,000 jackpot

Contestant, date(s)
Important Qs asked
Andrea Schluttenhofer,
Graham, WA,
January 21-24, 2001
For $32,000:
EMILY's List is an organization whose aim is to help women do what?
Andrea used her final lifeline 2 leave C and D. She gambled on C, but became the fourth-straight $1K loser.
A: Start new businesses
B: Purchase homes
C: Collect child support
D: Get elected to office
John Norquist,
January 24, 2001
For $32,000:
Which of the following U.S. states does not meet at Four Corners?
John immediately picked D and secured his $32K. (The fourth state is, of course, Arizona.)
A: Utah
B: Colorado
C: New Mexico
D: Wyoming
For $64,000:
Ratified in 1992, the most recent U.S. Constitutional amendment concerns what topic?
John took a free guess on C... and it paid off.
A: Presidential succession
B: Term limits
C: Congressional salaries
D: Electoral College
For $125,000:
By definition, a person suffering from bruxism does what while sleeping?
John took his last lifeline 2 leave B and D. He gambled on B and won.
A: Sleepwalks
B: Grinds teeth
C: Has nightmares
D: Talks in sleep
For $250,000:
Who was the first Roman emperor to become a Christian?
John immediately said D and won the quarter-million.
A: Nero
B: Julian
C: Justinian I
D: Constantine the Great
For $500,000:
As a young boy, singer Phil Collins appeared in which of the following films?
John had no idea, so he walked away as quarter-millionaire #34.
A: Bye Bye Birdie
B: A Hard Day's Night
C: Oliver!
D: Tom Jones
Bobby Hoerner,
New Orleans,
January 24, 2001
For $8,000:
In 1993, Kate Spade started her own company designing what fashion accessory?
Bobby used the audience, who overhwelmingly picked B--5-81-6-8. He agreed wit them and picked up the $8K before time expired. He'll return tomorrow wit his 50:50 and PAF in hand.
A: Shoes
B: Handbags
C: Hosiery
D: Hats

And that's "Millionaire". Let's get a NPYL update from Are You Game?

("Are You Game?" graphic appears, The Spinners' "Games People Play" plays in background)

My second spin of the second round produced $700 and a spin. My third spin made me another $1,500. That takes my score 2 $6,350, wit 3 spins left. That puts me in a tie at 9th place wit Robert Johnson. Greg Sholly has now taken the lead wit $9,850. Second place goes 2 Marc Gottschall wit $9,326.

Once again, we don't have a good ATGS Non-Lie of the Day, so we're just gonna get outta here. We'll be back on Wednesday, as I mentioned earlier. Until then, peace!

Posted by ky3/nellylunaticsfan at 9:48 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 14 June 2004 9:55 PM EDT
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