Spot's Cage(Updates)
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February 23, 2023 Been awhile, but we lost Cole back in October. I added him to the Cavy Rainbow. We also have had 2 new additions since I last updated! Mickey and Jack are now on MyPets page!


February 22, 2022 I added Butterscotch to the Cavy Rainbow. He passed away this month, just before we went on a trip across the country. I also added our kitten, who is almost 4 years old, Jenna. I am not sure how I missed adding her!


November 17, 2021 I added Bunga to the Cavy Rainbow.


Feb 14, 2021 I added Remi to the Cavy Rainbow as he passed away in January. We havn't really been too active lately, like most of the world. It came kind of as a quick thing, and we miss him dearly.


January 23, 2020 I added Remi to the page, since he wasn't on here yet.


September 25, 2018 I added Jenner-Monkey to the Cavy Rainbow, as he passed away last night.


September 24, 2018 I added a few pictures and changed some around the site.


October 18, 2017 Martin, Justin and Timothy's previous cage mate, passed away today. He is added to the Cavy Rainbow.


May 12, 2017 Timothy, Justin's previous cage mate, passed away on May 10. He is added to the Cavy Rainbow now too.


February 28, 2017 We got some new friends I call the "Mice of Nimh" in December, and I never added them here. So, they're added now here. One of them, Justin, passed away today, so he is now on the Cavy Rainbow as well.


January 21, 2017 I deleted the webring as I've been having some issues viewing my page due to it jumping to the webring.


March 27, 2016 The new piggy got a name! A friend of mine suggested I name him Bunga, and that name has stuck. He's a happy little piggy that I'm so glad I came across!


March 26, 2016 I finally am updating this again! I got a new piggy, the 22nd and am adding him to this page. I'm not for sure what his name is going to be just yet, but have an idea. It seems to be sticking, but I'll update that later. He's on the page with my pigs and the pictures!


October 25, 2014 I noticed Little Pig wasn't feeling well yesterday. I took her to the vet to find the mass in her abdomen has grown. The vet gave me some of the meds that have helped in the past and we figured we would try that and hope for the best. Well, she ended up passing away about 4am this morning :( She is now with her big Sis, Spot. We miss her, but glad she's with her Sis!


June 24, 2014 It's been quite awhile since I did any updates to this site. Little Pig is still around and loving life. She is healthy and happy living with her kitties and Echo. She gets out often to play outside in her playpen and has floor time pretty often, along with bed time! She loves cuddling on the bed and watching TV. She also loves being in her cage to rest. She's about 5 years old now, will be 6 in November. As of right now, I do not have any plans to get any more piggies for now, but plan to later on. Thanks for checking up on LP!

I added a few new pictures of Little Pig today too. See My Piggies.

I also updated My Pet's Page.


September 8, 2012 I added a few pics, edited some info, and put Simba on the Rainbow. Unfortunately, he passed away last night. He will be missed greatly!


July 15, 2012 I added a Cavy Rainbow page, took the guestbook off since it's outdated and no longer works, fixed the font on the front page, rearranged the pics on my Pics page, and added some random info.


July 7, 2012 I added a few pics and edited some of the info on my critters. (Changed some stuff on almost all the pages)


July 2, 2012 Unfortunately Lily-Bud passed away last week. We all miss her very much but wont forget her! I have added a ton of pics and some pages. My page is slowly coming to again. I went thru this page and deleted all the non working links and put DELETED on them.


June 19, 2012 Totally redoing this page! I'm adding pics/pages and DELETED all of the others. I added a page of a bunch of pics of my piggies!


January 13, 2011 Added a few pics(Rueben, Little Pig, and Simba-on Lily's page) and rearranged some links. Rueben has his own page again! Added a couple pics of my new puppy, Echo, and added Butterscotch's pic back as a page also.


April 21, 2010 I edited Lily's page and added a couple pictures to her page as well as Little Pig's.


December 14, 2009 I added a couple of Christmas pictures to DELETED One is on the front page for now. Also did some small editing on the other pages. Added a page for Little Pig too!


December 10, 2009 I added some pics to Lily's page..mostly of the babies! Added some pics of Mohave and Rueben's family too..under Mohave on the front page.


November 30, 09 A lot has happened since the last update...Unfortunately, Spot passed away Nov 24th. And we got some new babies Nov 20! There's 3 of them. They're on the front page under Lily's babies. Little Pig is doing great though.


October 16, 2009 I pretty much deleted this site..I will still post updates here though...none of the links below will work any longer.


October 5, 09 Added 3 new of Spot, one of Little Pig, and one of them together. I also added a pic to DELETED page


July 23, 2009 It's been awhile since I updated anything here...I changed the index page LittlePig and Spot. I added a pic to DELETED.


February 8, 2009 Well, I figured it's time I updated some pics here!!! I added some to DELETED page, and DELETED page. I also added a pic to DELETED


December 26, 2008 I added DELETED and a picture to DELETED. I also changed some things on the News page


October 26, 08 I added Drostan to the Cavy Rainbow. She passed away tonight, in my arms.


July 18, 08 I added/deleted some DELETED from that page. The girls are also doing great. Drostan is still going to the vet on a regular basis to get her bottom teeth trimmed and has gained back a lot of weight. She's almost where Spot is!


May 17, 08 I added a new front page pic for Spot and Drostan. Their birthday is tomorrow! They'll be 5 years old! I also added a picture to Drostan's page and one to Spot's. I added a couple older pics, taken a few weeks ago, two to Family playtime and one to Spot's page.


March 1, 08 I added a pic to my DELETED and also added the new pic on the front page. It is also on the Family Playtime page.


February 12, 08 I added DELETED to the Cavy Rainbow and updated his page. He died Feb 10, 08 in my arms, of heart failure, the vet said. This has been very hard on all of us to loose Mohave, then Drostan having her teeth problem, and now to loose Rueben. We're hanging in there though! Drostan and Spot are doing okay so far. I also changed some of the News page


Jan 30, 08 I updated the Illnesses page (see link below)


Jan 18, 08 I had to put DELETED to sleep yesterday. She was very sick and wasn't going to pull through this time. You can see her tribute on my DELETED page.


January 8, 08 I added some pictures from Christmas and some information on the DELETED page. The pictures are on DELETED


November 27, 07 I deleted several pics and rearranged a few pictures on the gallery pages. I also added a picture to the Cages


October 7, 2007 It's been awhile, but I did add some new pics to Rueben, Spot, and Drostan's pages. I also deleted some on Rueben's page. I had some of Mohave but accidentally deleted them :(


March 13, 2007 I added a couple of new pics. One is on the Cages page, and the other is on Spot's page.


February 17, 07 I did some editing to the DELETED page.


February 8, 2007 I added some pics of DELETED

Okay..the pics are huge but at least you can see them and they have awesome detail. I love my new camera!


November 8, 2006 I added DELETED (He passed away yesterday.


October 24, 06 I added some new pics to DELETED pages


September 28, 2006 I added some more Cavy Names!


September 12, 2006 I finally took the Birthday sign off of the front page, edited some, and added a link to myspace on the DELETED page.


September 5, 06 Added a new's my cousin's dog Minnie with one of their guinea pigs..that's not around anymore tho :( DELETED


August 26, 06 I didn't have very many pics of me and the piggies so I got one of Me and DELETED.


August 17, 06 I added a new pic! DELETED. It took me a long time but I finally painted Baby's and repainted Spot's. Hope you all like them!


June 27, 06 I added several DELETED


June 18, 06 I added some pics... DELETED


May 18, 06 Today is ZigZag, Spot, and Drostan's 3rd birthday! Happy bday guys! I got the girls DELETED As soon as I get the film developed I'll put the pictures on my site!


May 8, 06 Added some more names and made the page a table. It's a little messy but easier to read! I also added DELETED and two other piggies to the DELETED


March 27, 06 Added a few more names


March 24, 06 Added a TON of DELETED. I also did a lot of editing. Fixed some typing and also some broken links.


Feb 19, 2006 Added some DELETED


Feb 15, 2006 I added some new pics to the Cages page and added Shila the puppy (I gave her to a new home Feb 14th) and Rascal the rat pics on the front page. I also added a new pic to DELETED page.


November 5, 2005 I added a few pics, rewrote some of my site, changed some links, and added Baby to the Cavy Rainbow. (She passed away Oct 26th, 2005).


Oct 2, 2005 I got to take Spot and Mohave to work today. My girls loved them! Spot and Have seemed to enjoy my girls too. I also added a page for the piggy I got for a friend of mine DELETED


May 28, 2005 I added some new pics! and I added a Cheddar to cavy names. One of the girls who comes to the fitness center told me yesterday her grandmother had one named Cheddar and I told her I'd add his name to my site! We're all doing good for now. Still enjoying our Oxbow Hay, Todd!


February 18, 2005 I am fixing some pages and deleting some pics. Mostly I'm just messing with the pics for now. I am also working on another newsletter...just a simple one...hope to have it done soon!


December 20, 2004 Seems like it's been a long time! No wonder! I am still here but havn't been online because I moved and don't have internet access. My piggies are doing fine and we even got another one who lived with us for about 2 weeks before he went to his home. DELETED


August 13, 2004 I added a couple pics to DELETED I also have another pic but have to check with my's of my 7 month old nephew and Baby *smiles it's cute!


July 23, 2004 I added a new message board to my main's on the right hand side! I may move the link but not right now..I also changed around the Cages page. I've also done a lot of changing just little things. Not noticeable to most people tho prolly..haha


July 21, 2004 The forum has been being used! WAHOO!!! anyhow..I added some Cavy Names to that page!


July 11, 2004 I added a link of Cavy Names. It's on that page.


July 5, 2004 I added pics to DELETED.


June 30, 2004 I added some new toys to the DELETED page.


June 3, 2004 I deleted a few little things and some big things. I am not doing the newsletter anymore enless I can get some help cause it takes a long time and I am out of ideas. If anyone would like to see it back up...just let me know and we can work out something. I just don't have the time and energy to do it any longer by myself. Thanks guys.


May 28, 2004 I added the pics to the pig's bday! DELETED


May 9, 2004 I added some pics to DELETED and to DELETED. I also added some stuff on Linny the Guinea Pig!


April 10, 2004 The front page got a new look! Let me know what you think of it!


April 9, 2004 I bought the girls a ball. I wanted it for the boys but thought it was maroon. It ended up being pink so I just gave it to the girls. Spot likes it. Look at the pics on her page!


April 5, 2004 I added some pics and deleted a couple. DELETED.


April 3, 2004 I edited a few things (mainly my pigs' things)


April 1, 2004 I added a few pics and deleted some. Mostly I added the ones to Cages and I also added one to DELETED I also added a new poll and finished April's Newsletter. Check em out! (I built Ziggy a C&C cage and I also added a new cage page. It kinda shows you how I made my cage..nothing fancy but it helps a little-I hope!


March 20, 2004 I deleted a ton of pictures again. I'm trying to just keep newer ones on my site or add more off and on so they're not always the same pictures!


March 16, 2004 I added 16 new pics. They are on these pages! DELETED.


March 4, 2004 I'm still working on my Illness and Info page but I got em done for the most part now, I hope! I also did a lot of work on my Links page. Check them all 3 out! DELETED. I also added a new pic of Drostan to her page. I added a pic in the Family Playtime of the girls in the tub where you can see Baby's 4 toes on her back left foot. I just realized you could see it today! lol Shows how observant I am!!


March 1, 2004 I added a picture of some wood chews (in items) and I also changed around some of my GPig Info and Illnesses again! Hope they're better now!


February 28th, 2004 I took off a few pictures and changed a lot of info (Illnesses and Guinea Pig Info and my items page) I'm still working on them tho! I added some pics to Spot's Page and also one of them grown up to My baby guinea pigs page. I also added a couple of pics to Mohave's page!


February 21, 2004 I added some stuff to my newsletter site (Info, pictures, etc).


February 19, 2004 I deleted several pictures and added some to DELETED.


February 12, 2004 I added the finished pic of Spot's clay figure!


February 9, 2004 I added a couple pics to DELETED.


February 8, 2004 I added a new thing on my DELETED page! and a new pic to DELETED I also put a note on my newsletter site..if you want me to send you the newsletter in an e-mail then e-mail me and let me know! I also went thru and put little DELETED signs by the things I've deleted. Hope you can read them ok! I also added a new link on my DELETED page. I also added one to the Links page..there's a difference..the L is capital on the guinea pig links.


February 3, 2004 I have switched some things around..mainly links, so they're easier to find! One's on the main page and one's on the Fun Page! (Click the link on my main page). I also switched some words around on the main page...put the club stuff together and whatnot. I moved the gpig club join button to my DELETED page. I took off the links to Dale's Cavy Rainbow because they weren't working and they're prolly not on that page anymore, with him deleting the cavies, as he doesn't have the room for them all.


February 2, 2004 I added a couple more webrings and 2 more Links to my DELETED page. I made a clay figure of Spot with her famous pose! DELETED I'll put it up here whenever I get it a few days! I also added a new page to my DELETED


February 1, 2004 I added a new quiz to my favorite movies (it's on other links) and also a new page

DELETED. It's just a list of checklists,

and other useful forms for guinea pig owners. I'm also gonna try to get February's Newsletter up on my DELETED Site! (I got it up!) I also added a ref page onto it..but it's for future newsletters, so don't look for it yet..not until later on! I added a couple new pics of Macy from Chanel! DELETED


January 31, 2004 I added a new link to DELETED page. (It's a Toy site..if anyone's interested in em like me!)*smiles


January 26, 2004 I added a new page on the DELETED page.


January 24, 2004 I took some pics off from all over the place, I rearranged my pictures of my pigs, Added a couple new playtime pages (one for Zilch and one for Mohave and Rueben). DELETED


January 23, 2004 MY BIRTHDAY!!!

I added some info to DELETED and joined a webring for Buicks. I also joined another guinea pig webring.

I also made a new front page picture. DELETED (It's of my piggy family!) I put Zilch's pic on his page. I also added a new picture of Domino, for a link..on my front page.


January 20, 2004 I added some pics to DELETED


January 19, 2004 I edited my list of books I have on DELETED. I also joined a bunch of webrings, check out their sites too!


January 17, 2004 DELETED

I also added a DELETED to my Fun page. Check it out, tell me what you think!


January 13, 2004 I added a DELETED page! I also added some links on my DELETED page


January 11, 2004 Let's see..I added a name to my cavy names, had to fix Treen's wasn't working, I added a new poll, and just some other little things here and there!


December 26,2003 Hope you all had a great Holiday!

I added TONS of pics! DELETED


December 24, 2003 I changed my email address to DELETED. If I missed one on this site, please let me know! I am getting loads of junk mail and I can't stand it!

I will still check this one, but not as often DELETED-continue to put the subject there..or I'll delete it right off! Thanks

I also added a pic of Spot to her section. DELETED. She looks kinda chubby in it tho!


December 1, 2003 Wow it's December already! I added some Cavy Names. Someone on the message board has them! Congrats! DELETED


November 22, 2003 I've not done anything w/this site for a little bit, with school semester ending it's been kinda hard..I've not had a lot of time..I have been looking at the forum tho! Thanks for using it! I added your guinea pigs' names on the page..send me a pic and I'll put it up on my site somewhere! Thanks again! Kyra and her guinea pigs! (I need a new name besides that...)


November 8, 2003 It's been awhile! But I added some pics to DELETED


October 24, 2003 I took out a lot of pictures again. Mainly from the Playtime pages, Toby's Section, and a couple from Spot and a couple from Ziggy's Section.

I added some pics to Baby's and Rueben's Sections. I also added a couple of pictures from Toby's Section, to the Playtime Sections. (see below for links)

I also added a tad bit of info on Rueben's page.


October 22, 2003 Added a little thing to send to your friends on DELETED

I also got a little book today for 17 cents at a thrift's called Let's Get a's about guinea pigs! *smiles happily I HAD to get it!

I changed around some of the stuff on the front page, and added a new it has my guinea pigs' things on it!

I also added some Postcards on the Fun Page!


October 20, 2003 I made a DELETED Page!

I added new links on Links and I also added a link to Theme cages on my cages page (see below for links). I added a subscribe button to my Guinea Pig Club, on Yahoo on the front page of this site.


October 19, 2003 I added a few pics to DELETED

I also added some pics to DELETED Section

I also added a pic on DELETED

And I made a seperate page for DELETED

I put the old ones, or ones not pertaining to Guinea Pigs onDELETED (or rather left em on here)!


October 17, 2003 I added some pics to Spot's section!

DELETED This is a cute pic! I've never seen this tho!

Some of these links will not work anymore. I have deleted that page. If it is a more of something (like More Cages)..just type in Cages and it'll work!


October 15, 2003 I added some info on My Guinea Pig Club and also, changed the wording on the link to the club stuff.

Spot also now has an email address! (See the club page for her email address!)

I also added some to the Cages...just a little update..nothing fancy!


October 12, 2003 I added a new pic to DELETED

I also put a new code for club members! (#2 on DELETED )


October 11, 2003 I added a pic to DELETED section and also added some info to DELETED section.


October 10, 2003 I think it was this I added a new quiz to My fav movies again!


October 4, 2003 I added a new quiz to My favorite movies (see below for link)

I added a pic to DELETED section.

I also added a couple of new pics to DELETED

I also went thru and cleaned up some..took all the pages to just one per guinea pig..I put all the pics from the other pages onto that one page!

I also added a new link! on my links page..(see below)


Sept 30, 2003 I added some (just a tiny bit) of info to DELETED page

I also added a new pic ..the one of Ziggy on DELETED


Sept 28, 2003 Okay, correct me if I'm wrong, but look at this top pic and the bottom pic on this page! DELETED

I also added a link on the front page of this site! To my newsletter.

I also added a new link to the DELETED section!


Sept 26, 2003 I added some info to my DELETED nothin fancy, but I added some stuff to it.


Sept 24, 2003 I added some new pics to DELETEDDELETED

I also added a new poll, I am gonna leave the other one on there for awhile longer. I added a new section of pictures, just while it's up too. It's right above the poll.

And, I finally came up w/a site that I can put my newsletters on. I know I'll skip some months here and there, but Sept and Oct 03 are both on there right now! DELETED


Sept 22, 2003 I took a lot of the pictures off this site. I deleted a ton of them! Just mainly ones that I didn't find very good, like my camera was horrible or ones that I just didn't like, but mostly problem ones w/the camera! But hey, now I have a lot of extra room to add more pictures!

I took out the Books section. I know they may have been a help but I put the titles under the DELETED section.

I also deleted the .avi that I had on here, of Domino and Rueben. It took up a lot of space and was horrible cause of my cruddy camera! I'll try and add some new pics soon!

I also added a link to Chanel's art on The Lion King WWW Archive Fanart site. She has some great pics, check em out if you like The Lion King or just big animals!


Sept 21, 2003 I added a new link to my links page! DELETED

I added some pics under DELETED, and under DELETED


Here is a new toy I bought for Spot. I circled it so it's easier to see!

I put some more info on Rueben's page too!


Sept 20, 2003 I changed the Drawings, of Domino and much as I wanted my name on em, I just put my initials.But, I DID draw them, honestly!

I also added a new section DELETED I put the link under my links

I took the Cavy Rainbow link off of my links page, since I put it up on the main page, along w/the Cavy Names


Sept 19, 2003 I added new pictures..a bunch! To DELETED , DELETED, DELETED, DELETED, DELETED, and DELETED

DELETEDI also just decided to use my geocities website (1 of em) to put the link to my site! Just go to my links, and click on the pic of Drostan!


Sept 17, 2003 I added some pics to DELETED


Sept 15, 2003 I put the links to My Cavy Rainbow onto the main page and I also put a link to Cavy Names up there too. (I can't decide where to put em!)

I also added a picture on DELETED page


Sept 14, 2003 I added some pics to the DELETED

I also added a link to my Cavy Rainbow. I may decide to put other people's cavies there too, but for now it's just for me and friends. Sorry.


Sept 10, 2003 Here is a thing of Spot I made, out of some kind of block things! I like it a lot!

I did a LOT of work to the links page (click link below), I also put new cavy names up there..a ton of em! (link below too) and I added a new pic to my babies' section of the site! DELETED


Sept 5, 2003 I added some new pics! DELETED


Sept 4, 2003 I added some pics..just 3..but one's in DELETED one's in DELETED and one's in DELETED.


DELETED Sept 3, 2003 Well, now she shares a cage w/her Mom(Mohave) and her 2 sisters! I added some pics to the cages!



Sept 1, 2003 I added some pics to the Items page!



DELETED Aug 31, 2003 I added an About me page, under links! I also added another link too!



Aug 30, 2003 I came up with an award too, check it out!


Aug 30, 2003 I'll have to put the date on these too, from now on! Making an Update page finally!!


I took the quiz off of this page..but its still on the page w/all my fav movie quizzes. DELETED


I would like to make a page of Cavy names..If you have one I don't have on my list..please feel free to email me and I'll add your cavy's name to my list! Thanks

DELETED"Cavy Names"


I have been adding a ton of pictures to my sure to check em all out! (Some of Zilch, Domino, Rueben, tons of Playtime pics!)


Here's something else I've added

DELETED"My Cavies who have crossed the Cavy Rainbow"


      I need a new name for Baby...Any ideas? Please email them to me! (Be sure to put in the subject guinea pig name) Thanks so much, Kyra and Baby

Click on Baby to see pictures of her.