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Delilah Designs - Keepsakes - Fruit Wreath

Poetry On Abuse

Battered Childs Prayer
Battered Heart
Dear Daddy
Just Run
Lost Innocence
My Name Is Andrianna
Silent Tears
What Did I Do?
Words Hurt Too

Poetry On Animals

Love All Animals
Sad Eyes
The Innocent
Vote To Stop Animal Abuse

Poetry On Friendship

A Friend
A Friend Like You
Dear Justin
To Valentyne

Poetry On Homeless

A Prayer For The Homeless Man
Cry For Them

Poetry On Hope

I Stand Tall
Little Gurl Lost
River Of Hope

Poetry On Love

A Love So Real
I Promise
Missing You
Yet I Can Imagine
You Are

Poetry On Misc

A Dream For Tomorrow
A Soldier's Heart
All I Ever Wanted
Broken Heart
Dear Drunk Driver
I Wish
Letting Go
Little John Doe
Memories Of Grandpa
My First Baby
Saying Goodbye
Stay Or Go
The Beauty Within

Poetry On Religion

Dear God
Dear Lord
Preacher Man
This Place Called Heaven
The Power Of Prayer

Poetry From Friends

From Mark
From Valentyne

Survivor Tips/Resources

I Am A Survivor
Child Abuse
Domestic Violence
Elder Abuse
Male Abuse
Online Safety Tips For Kids/Teenagers

Dedication Pages

My Awards

My Awards Page 1
My Awards Page 2
My Awards Page 3
My Awards Page 4
My Awards Page 5
My Awards Page 6

About Me
Banner Exchange
My Gifts
My Webrings

Disclaimer: I do not claim these graphics as my own.If you know who made this beautiful webset.Please let me know,so I can give proper credit to the person.