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A White Trash Goddess checks to see if her boyfriend left any gas in the car before heading out to Wal-Mart.


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What is a White Trash Goddess?

A White Trash Goddess is a woman who is white trash to the extreme.

How do you identify a White Trash Goddess?

She's that woman you see at Wal-Mart wearing the stained pink stretch shorts, a Mickey Mouse shirt, and $3.00 tennis shoes with no laces. Usually her hair will be either bleach blond or frosted. She has about four filthy kids hanging off of her. She is carrying a huge ass purse in one hand and a cigarette case in the other.

What should you do if you see a White Trash Goddess? Observe from a distance. This is a woman who last night beat up the referee at a high school sporting event. You don't want to get her riled.


How is a White Trash Goddess different from regular white trash?

A White Trash Goddess is much more brash. She doesn't give a damn that she is how she is. Her mother was like this. And her grandmother. Her great-grandmother probably coined the term "grub stubs" for food stamps.

Need to know who won the latest NASCAR race? Ask a White Trash Goddess. Believe me she knows.


There are two types of white trash, the right kind and the wrong kind.

What are the differences, you ask?


The right kind of white trash lives in a trailer court.

The wrong kind lives in a trailer balanced on a hill on some property their daddy owns up a holler.


The right kind of white trash drives a pick-up truck with a Bocephus bumper sticker in the back window.

The wrong kind drives a Chevette with cling wrap and duct tape in the back window.


The right kind of white trash voted in the last presidential election.

The wrong kind voted in the last school board election.


The right kind of white trash buys fresh milk dated at least a week in the future.

The wrong kind buys milk dated tomorrow with $.50 written in black marker on the container.


The right kind of white trash gets their eight-year-old a Sony Playstation for Christmas.

The wrong kind gets their eight-year-old a rifle and a year's worth of ammo for Christmas.

Chastity Blevins' Personal Links

White Trash Wrestling Alliance

Poor White Trash

Great Mobile Homes Of Mississippi

You Might Be White Trash If...


White Trash Incorporated (Yahoo! club)

Jerry Springer Show guest application

Mullets Galore

Hillbilly Heaven

Retarded Trailer Trash

Cousin Couples

Paintsville Herald 911 Report



Who says Barbie isn't a good role model for little girls? These Barbies are everything a budding young White Trash Goddess strives to be!


Click HERE for more white trash pictures.

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