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  1. Do you now or have you ever lived in a trailer?
  2. Do you shop at Wal-Mart?
  3. Do you smoke or use other tobacco products?
  4. Do you have a Mullet?
  5. Do you rent movies at the public library?
  6. Do you like both kinds of music--country and western?
  7. Do you drive a pick-up truck, or any vehicle that is more than 10 years old?
  8. Have you been divorced more than twice?
  9. Do you watch NASCAR racing?
  10. Do you regularly visit a tanning parlor?


Scoring: Give yourself 2 points for each "Yes" answer. Subtract 1 point for each "No" answer.

15-20: You are definitely one of God's chosen, the proud white trash.

10-14: You are one generation removed from the trailer court.

5-9: You're on the border. Be careful: once you cross that line there's no return.

1-4: Sorry. Get your ass to Wal-Mart before it's too late!

*Low score? Don't worry. Maybe you really are white trash but hide it really well.*