Weird ass girl

Usually, I could care less with people that hate me and/or my site. I might humor them and reply to their mail or chat with them, but never a little section devoted to them. But this was one weird ass case. I had talked to this girl (well Im not too sure what she is) before and she was pretty nice, and then this happens(as always, my comments are in italics):

S1wow0z: hey

Pepsi1320: hey whore (sorry, just had to put that in there)

S1wow0z: what's up?

Pepsi1320: nuffin u??

S1wow0z: nothin

Pepsi1320: ok

S1wow0z: kool aid

S1wow0z: I LOVE AJ

Pepsi1320: lol if you are wondering, I'm laughing at her obsessive stupidity

S1wow0z: I LOVE AJ'

Pepsi1320: I love Brian and Nicky if ya can't beat 'em, join 'em

S1wow0z: I KNEW THAT

S1wow0z: LOL well I have no clue what is funny about that

Pepsi1320: bsb are such cuties!!

S1wow0z: tell me about it

S1wow0z: i think that aj is the hottest

S1wow0z: lol

Pepsi1320: lol

Pepsi1320: :o( poor bsb

S1wow0z: what?

S1wow0z: so do you have a bf yet and a nosy ass too!!

S1wow0z: lol

S1wow0z: joke ha ha ha don't go into stand up, girl

Pepsi1320: people give them crap cuz nsync just came out w/ a new single which is doing ok. and bsb hafta listen to them

S1wow0z: are you going top ansewer my question? as soon as you learn to spell

S1wow0z: about bf?

Pepsi1320: what have a bf??

Pepsi1320: you said you were joking

Pepsi1320: no

S1wow0z: like as in you don't have to answer then why in hell are you asking me to answer

Pepsi1320: oh

S1wow0z: youm take everything so serious

Pepsi1320: well I did

Pepsi1320: no I dont!!

S1wow0z: yea you do I said no, slut, so NO is the answer

S1wow0z: i did not want you to think that i was braging because i have a bf and you don;t 2nd graders have bfs??

Pepsi1320: no!! sometimes I just dun know what to think

Pepsi1320: no I know

S1wow0z: i can tell don't get all smart ass on me

Pepsi1320: lol

S1wow0z: that was not a joke I'm laughing at your spelling skills, or lack thereof

Pepsi1320: yes I know, but I always laugh I do!!

S1wow0z: that is stupid

Pepsi1320: you're so sweet sarcasm, people

S1wow0z: no wounder you don't have a bf! is she was from Canada, I'd let that mistake slip, but NO!!

Pepsi1320: how true that is

S1wow0z: are you made at me for saying that This part just pisses me off

Pepsi1320: actually Im wondering if this is some sort of ulterior motive I am so damn psychic!!

S1wow0z: no offence but if i was a boy i would not go out with you!

S1wow0z: how do you like that? actually, you should use the good line "How do you like them apples??" from Good Will Hunting

Pepsi1320: well...I dont really care, but Im glad that a girl wouldnt consider going out with me heh heh...

S1wow0z: i said that i was a boy come on....laugh

S1wow0z: retard

Pepsi1320: you're a guy?? she said she's a guy!!

S1wow0z: i meant that if i was a boy

Pepsi1320: you WERE a guy....

Pepsi1320: (sex change!!)

S1wow0z: i said that if i was a gut you were a...gut??

S1wow0z: if i was

S1wow0z: faget

S1wow0z: you are a total bitch

S1wow0z: byer I'm a bitch buyer?? No sorry I don't buy bitches

S1wow0z: bye

S1wow0z: bye

Pepsi1320: lol

Pepsi1320: ciao

S1wow0z: don';t talk to me

S1wow0z: BITCH is that the only "mean" word she knows??

Pepsi1320: then dont IM me skank ass

S1wow0z: who does not have a boyfriend

Pepsi1320: oh wow

Pepsi1320: you hurt me there. I'd rather be single than go out w/ someone just to say that I was

S1wow0z: cause she is sooooooooooooooooooo ugly Meet Super Slut!! She can see people through her PC screen!!

S1wow0z: bitch

Pepsi1320: and you know that how??

S1wow0z: fatty

Pepsi1320: Im soooo fat

Pepsi1320: Id rather be fat than anorexic Wouldnt it be funny if I went anorexic and died and everyone found out that she was the cause?? LOL

Note: don't expect to be rewarded with something like this if you are a bitch to me
