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Ocean Dreams


Waves come to my feet,
Rushing over me,
The smell of ocean air;
breathing deeply,
Salty taste on my lips,
These are my Ocean Dreams.


The light, crisp air,
testing my senses,
the cool ocean water;
crashes againist the sand,
Standing on the shore,
These are my Ocean Dreams.


As night falls on the ocean,
Moonlight shines on the water,
Strong and gentle;
Crystal and serene,
Such beauty shall I see,
That God has given me....
These are my Ocean Dreams.

~Linda Mikesell
Copyright © 2000


Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has
the courage to lose sight of the shore.
~Andre Gide~

Please click on this beautiful painting called Voyage, by Richard Finnell to view his site

Richard Finnell- Artist


Freebird56's Lighthouses


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I am pleased to present you with this exclusive award.  You are most certainly An Extraordinary Woman with An Extraordinary Web Site.Congratulations on receiving this award.Cheerfully yours,Jo ~ IrishCream
Extraordinary Woman Award
Administrator, 5/2002.

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