
Disponibility: a: easy
                       b: searching
                       c: hard (need contact)
                       d: rare (need very good contact)
                       e: very rare (hope for luck)
                       f: prototype ( not on the market )

                                      Damage       Disponibility             Cost                shots               Range
stick:                                 2                       a                      1-5                   n/a

knife                                  2                      a                       2-5                  n/a

Vibro blade :                     4                      d                       200                   n/a

blade   :                            3                      a                          50                    n/a

axe     :                             3                      a                          30                    n/a

glove with studs
 et poing américain:           2                       a                            5                     n/a

poison glove :                   1                       d                         500                    1
*1 dom per min after

poison :                            1                       c                          175
*1 dom per min after

bow:                                 -                       b                             75                   n/a           10-20

arrow :                             1                      b                              5                    n/a
                                        2                       b                             10                  n/a
                                        3                       c                              20                 n/a
          poison                    2                       c                              25                 n/a
*1 dom per min after
          bomb                     4(radius 2m)     d                               50                n/a

pistols:                              2                       a                             50                     6                      8
                                                                                                75                     8
   -munition                                                                               10                     2

big pistols:                          3                       b                          125                    6                    10
                                                                                               200                    8
    - munition                                                                              15                    2

rifles     :                             4                        a                          220                    3                    30
                                                                                                350                    6
     - munition                                                                              20                    2

shot-gun   :                          4                         a                         220                    4  pump         10
                                                                                                 400                    6  semi
                                                                                                 500                    8  semi(loader)
    - munition                                                                                25                    2

flame thrower :                     5                         c                         500                  n/a                    8
flame for 2 min.
    -munition                                                                                 50                 1 load

pistol flame thrower :            4                         c                       1000                    4                   10
    - munition                                                                              150                     1 load

submachine gun:                  3                          b                         250                    4                   20
                                                                                                  500                    8
      -munition                                                                                20                    2

battle rifles:                          4                          c                         800                    4                  35
                                                                                                1000                    6
     -munition                                                                                 25                    2

pistol caseless:                     3                          d                       2000                    8                 15
                                                                                                3000                  12
     -munition                                                                                 30                    2
     - nitro                                                                                    100                    8
                                                                                                  125                  12

rifles caseless:                      3                          e                        3500                  15                 35
                                                                                                 5000                  20
     -munition                                                                                  30                    2
    - nitro                                                                                      150                  15
                                                                                                    200                 20

pistol laser:                          4                           d                        1500                   8                 20
                                                                                                  2000                 10
        -energie pack                                                                       100                    8
                                                                                                    125                  10

rifles laser:                           4                           d                        2200                   12               40
                                                                                                  3800                   15
         -energie pack                                                                      150                    12
                                                                                                    175                    15

heavy machine gun:            4                            c                          3000                    12             35
                                                                                                   3500                    16
          -munition                                                                               25                      2

heavy rifles:                        4                            d                          2200                    5              50
                                                                                                    3000                    8
          -munition                                                                                25                    2

500 g  c-4:           5 ( Radius 10m )                   c                            500

grenade frag:        3 ( Radius 3m )                      b                           120 / each

grenade stunt:       2 et stunt ( Radius 5m)           b                           150 / each

grenade smoke:   aucun   (Radius 10m)              b                           100

grenade chemic:    5 (Radius 5m)                       d                           400 / each

cocktail molotov:   2 ( Radius 2m )                     a                             50

m-72:                    4     ( Radius 3m )                 c                           500     Range : 20

grenade luncher(40mm):depend de la grenade    c                           600     Range : 20

40mm frag:           3  (Radius 5m)                       c                           300/ each

40mm stunt:          2  (Radius 10m)                     c                           325

40mm smoke:      aucun   (Radius 20m)              c                            200

40mm chemic:       5  (Radius 10m)                    d                            500

Grenade Cocktail :    (Radius  5m)                     d                            300

Uncle Jim's Liquid Web                                     a                            200

Drone Weapon
 Space availlable on a drone   : 8 space

                                    Damage              Disponibility          Cost            shots          space
heavy machine gun:            4                             c                 5000              12               2
grenade luncher(40mm):depend de la grenade   c                 1000                2               4
laser:                                 4                             d                 3000                8               2
                                                                                           5000              10               2
        -energie pack                                                                300                8                1
                                                                                             500              10              2

  Leathal or non leathal. For each, it tooks 3 turn to get the effect active. For the leathal, if the person don’t get any medical assistance in the next 3 hours, she will die. For the non leathal, the person is stunt for 10 min. For the 3 round before stunt, the person can’t make any retest at all.

Vibro blade
  Developped as a cutting tool. An ultrasonic generator in the hilt causes the blade to vibrate thousands of times a second. Can be use to  cut slowly thtough any material that’s softer than steel, including wood, plastic and even concrete.

Poison glove
  You can have leathal or non leathal poison on it. When it gets in contact with the skin of someone else, the poison automatically transfer into that person. When the poison transfer into the body, the person feel that something is wrong. For the time and effect of poison, look at the poison section.

Uncle Jim's Liquid Web - Another great item from the labs at Uncle Jim's. Liquid web is another high viscosity gel kept in a can. This one interacts with the oxygen and forms a maleable but unbreakable adhesive gel. It sprays out in strings and can be aimed by simply moving the can. This makes a very sticky, very troublesome mess for the intended target. A special dissolving agent is available that breaks down the molecular structure of the web, crumbling it in seconds.

Grenade Cocktail -  This is something that is really hard to find, but really effective when use in a proper situation. You trow this grenade in a room from a window with a grenade luncher. When it get’s inside, the grenade start to spin very fast and then it explode. From the granade comes hundred of thin stick of metal. It is leathal in close contact and it can clean a room with no problem.
