Recently I got an Email which contained
Setting the Table (03-4-24)
Imagine being invited to dinner at the house of some friends. Because they want you to really enjoy the
meal, they have given you a preview of what’s going to be served, which includes many of your favorite
items. You sit down at the table with great anticipation for that on which you are about to dine.
But as you get seated, you notice that the hosts also place on the dinner table some items that you don’t
recognize. They explain that these are “leftovers” that they thought folks might like. A little while later,
there’s a ring at the door. It’s an anchovy pizza (lucky you). A little while later there’s another ring and
another guest has brought some carry out. What a smorgasbord, right? You feel a little obligated to try
the additional items as a gesture of “good faith” even though it may not appeal to your palate or
This is what our central committee meeting is presently like. We attempt to “set the table” but the
menu and offerings get changed or re-directed, taking us down paths and delving into issues that could
be addressed in a much better way. We end up acting impulsively rather than with deliberation. We
compress an important matter into a small segment of time or prolong a debate to the “wearing out of
the saints”.
So, let’s “set the table” and consume what’s in front us. As Anne Fairchild aptly observed, our central
committee meeting should be primarily for reporting the work of our committees. The committees
should be doing the “groundwork” and then bring their presentation and recommendations to the
larger group. Any decisions that need to be made by the body can then be placed on the meeting
agenda and accorded an appropriate allotment of time for fair consideration.
So, what does this mean in practice? Unless it’s a motion to have an emergency adjournment (fire), let’s
work all motions, as time and circumstances warrant, through a committee. With an abundance of
counselors, an issue can be researched, pros and cons considered, and proposals and motions
formulated, resulting in great outcomes.
So, please join a committee and let’s eat!
Chair, Linn Co. Republicans
It would appear that the desire of the New Executive Board and their Supporters is that anyone who does not belong to a Subcommittee
Or desires to bring something to the attention of the Linn County Central Committee that has not been approved by a Subcommittee
During the meetings of the Linn County Central Committee
Should Be Seen and Not Heard.
Why am I not surprised?
The Votes of the Last Officers Election had no sooner been tarried than they left the County Constitution laying in tatters on the Floor.
They immediately took over the meeting throwing away the agenda which had been voted and approved by the Body, which they had no authority to do.
Then proceded to announce that all subcommittees and chairs that had been installed by a Vote of the Body were disbanded and were to turn in their keys, Which they had no authority to do.
Since in Section VIII. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE the last sentence reads
The Executive Committee is subject to the orders of the Linn County Central Committee, and none of its acts shall conflict with actions of the Linn County Central Committee.
But did it matter that they were in violation of the Constitution of the Linn County Central Committee, over riding votes of the Body of the Linn County Central Committee? Of course not. They had won the Election and could do as they chose, Petty things like Constitutions and Bylaws are only to be followed if they agree with them. Otherwise they are to be ignored.
It seems that NOW they want everything to be run through the Subcommittees that they control and whose Chairs, they chose.
All Others are to be
Seen and Not Heard.