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Kay's Karma
Thursday, 10 May 2007

Now Playing: Hello Again....Hello
Ok I know I haven't been on here in over a month...almost 2 months, but I've been really busy. I went to Washington D.C. from April 19-22. I had a great time. My mom went with me as she was going to the national convention for Myasthenia Gravis (MG). She attended a few meetings and spoke to some of the doctors there. I went to the awards banquet with her. We stayed at the Doubletree Inn ...the one in Crystal City near the Pentagon on Army Navy Drive. I think it's really Arlingtonm, VA.

We did some sightseeing. We saw Arlington Cemetery....President Kennedy and his wife's gravesite. I also saw the "Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers" and the changing of the guards....that was fascinating. We also went to the World War II's beautiful, The Vietnam War Memorial (Wall), The Korean War Memorial and the Lincoln Monument. A friend and I walked to the capitol and walked around it. We didn't have time to tour it inside. There's a pond in front of it which is gorgeous.

So I had a good time there...I wish we could have stayed longer. Our hotel had a skydome on the 14th floor that revolved....a group of us went up there a couple of nights and it was cool! You could see all over Washington D.C. Of course, we saw the Washington Monument from a distance, but we didn't walk up to it.

Now I'm just back to boring kidding (not really). It's been raining so much here lately. It's cloudy and then it starts thundering and lightning and raining. Thankfully we haven't had any real bad storms or tornadoes like Kansas and Oklahoma have....keeping fingers crossed.

Well that's about all for now. I am sure there's more, but I wanted to at least post something after almost 2 months.

Bye for now.

Here are some pics from my trip to D.C.

Me in front of the US Capitol:

My Mom standing at the Vietnam Wall:

The Pentagon....just a few blocks from our hotel:

Posted by ks3/kswann at 1:16 PM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 10 May 2007 1:31 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 14 March 2007
Last Month
I haven't logged into here or posted since last month....almost 30 days. Wow! I've been busy, and I'm doing ok. We've had some pretty nice weather too. It's actually in the 60's and 70's....which I love! I have been shopping with my mom, aunts and cousins. I am getting into MySpace...I love it!

I have a myspace's:

My mom and and I are planning a trip to Washington D.C. in April. I'm excited about it. I have never been there before so I'm looking forward to it. We will be flying there and staying about 4 days.

I am trying to eat a crispy chicken salad right now so I guess that's all I'll post.

I hope to update and post more in the coming month.

Posted by ks3/kswann at 6:23 PM CDT
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Thursday, 15 February 2007
My Birthday!
Mood:  happy
Today is my birthday. I had a nice dinner of butterfly shrimp, potatoes and garlic toast at my parents with my aunt and cousins. I had a red velvet was nice. I received money...which is always great!

One neighbor and friend of mine called me and sang "Happy Birthday" to me on the answering was good. Another neighbor and friend called and left me a message on my machine wishing me a Happy Birthday because she has been sick. And another neighbor left a card in my door...which was sweet.

Another year older...another year least I hope so anyway.....

I had a really good birthday!

Posted by ks3/kswann at 12:01 AM CST
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Sunday, 4 February 2007
Super Bowl Sunday
Now Playing: Winner Takes All
I'll be watching the Super Bowl game today with some family members. I think 'DA BEARS' will probably win, but you never know. I hope it's a good game though...not a runaway. I will be eating good food....hamburgers, chips and dip, etc.

I had dinner over my parents house yesterday and we had salad, steak, baked potatoes and biscuits. It was so good...I got so was wonderful.

Oh, my mom and I are planning on going to Washington D.C. April 19-22....that's the MGFA (Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America) national convention. My mom has MG and has always wanted to go to one of these conventions. She decided this year is the year. My dad will stay home and take care of the pets...he's not that much into going to those kind of meetings. We're staying at the Doubletree and that's where the meetings will be. I am excited about sightseeing in D.C. as I've never been before. That is one place I've always wanted to go. My mom has already bought our airline tickets and reserved the room at the hotel so it looks like it's a 'GO'!

I think it will be fun...I hope so anyway. My mom has never flown before...believe it or not...she has a fear of flying. But she said since she found out she has lung cancer, had the lobectomy on left lung and had chemo that she didn't think flying seemed so scary anymore. So I'm glad that she's wanting to go.....I've flown many many times so I don't get scared or nervous. It's just like taking a bus for me...but it's a lot faster and nicer. ;)

Posted by ks3/kswann at 9:23 AM CST
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Thursday, 25 January 2007

I've been doing pretty well the last few days. It's actually been sunny and in the 50's so that's great. I was getting tired of the cloudy weather.

I have my own 'MY Space' now. I made it yesterday. I think I'm a little old for My Space, but my cousins are on there, and I wanted to interact with them.;)

The url is:

Posted by ks3/kswann at 12:19 PM CST
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Friday, 19 January 2007
Thursday was OK
I went for my mammogram yesterday at 10 AM. They did a mammogram and ultrasound. The doctor said that what showed up on the other screening mammogram was a lymph node...he said that's not unusual.... it was enlarged. He said I have some fibrocystic tissue, but he didn't see any cysts or anything....which is great. They made an appt. for me to come back in 6 months for another mammogram and I'll go back in July. I was so relieved and glad to get that over with....I was a little nervous, but I really didn't think it would be anything serious. I am so thankful.

Today is another dreary, cloudy day....I got my laundry done and I vacuumed. I need to wash my dishes. It was raining a little bit when I walked out a few minutes ago. It's too warm for sleet's in the 40's. But at least it is a little warmer after we had all the ice, sleet and temps in the 20's.

Posted by ks3/kswann at 12:48 PM CST
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Saturday, 13 January 2007
Today is Good News
I woke up before 8 AM and turned on CNN...they were showing a live press conference of the stepdad and mother of Shawn Hornbeck who was abducted in Oct. 2002. Shawn and Ben Ownby (who had gone missing Monday. Jan. 8) were both found alive Friday, Jan. 12. It is such wonderful news. I also watched the press conference with the Ownby family. I turned it to FOX news and watched their coverage as well...this went on most the day. This is a miracle....rarely do these kind of stranger abductions end up with the safe return of the missing child or adult......and in this case 2 missing boys. This made my day.....I wish both families the best, and I hope and pray that the two boys will do well, and I wish them health, success and much happiness...

On another was rainy, dreary, blah and plain yucky. It rained and rained and the temps went from 76 to about 36 all in a few hours. We're supposed to get ice today or tonight....that should be good...NOT....freezing rain with some accumulation is expected....I want it to snow, but the ice will be so dangerous....I hope our electricity doesn't go out....I have plenty of food and things to drink....but I won't be able to cook anything if it goes out...I do have stuff that doesn't have to be cooked so that will be good.

Posted by ks3/kswann at 12:01 AM CST
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Friday, 12 January 2007
It's Friday!
My mom went for her 3 month CT scan of her chest and abdomen yesterday and saw her oncologist. He told her that the CT scan showed NED...No Evidence of Disease....which is great. My mom was so happy to hear this as was I and other family members and friends. She will have a chest x-ray in another 3 months and then another CT scan 3 months from far so good.....

The weather is supposed to get pretty nasty this weekend....we're expecting rain, cold air and cold temperatures. It's fairly warm now, cloudy and humid, muggy feeling.....I wish we'd get snow, but I doubt that we will.....but who knows...

I don't have any big plans for today or this weekend...probably just stay home out of the bad weather......

Posted by ks3/kswann at 8:39 AM CST
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Thursday, 4 January 2007
The New Congress
I'm watching CNN as the new Congress is sworn in and Nancy Pelosi becomes Speaker of the House...the first female Speaker ever in the history of the US...she will be third in line to the President....after the Vice-President....a very big honor and awesome responsibility....I wish her well and, I hope and pray the new Congress does a better job than the last one....I think it can't get much worse....I am glad that the power has shifted and that there's "new blood" in Congress...

On another note, I've been feeling better...I think I'm finally over the stomach virus "bug"...that was really bad.....I am to go for a left spot mammogram on the 18th of this month....on my last mammogram on Dec. 7 a nodule showed up in the left breast on the outer quadrant...also nodules under my arms....which the nurse said could be from caffeine or an nodule is just probably a fibroid cyst, but I still have to have it checked out....I think it will be ok....

I watched the funeral/ceremony for President Ford.....he was such a good, decent man......he lived a long, good life...I admire his wife Betty tremendously...she has so much class, grace, character and dignity...his whole family does....just like he did....

It's a new year....and with that a new beginning....I hope this year is the best one yet.....I am excited that it is a new year and time for a fresh start.

Posted by ks3/kswann at 12:13 PM CST
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Monday, 1 January 2007
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: It's 2007!!

Posted by ks3/kswann at 9:27 PM CST
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