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Exercise #1
Exercise #2
Exercise #3
Exercise #4
Exercise #5
Exercise #6
Exercise #7
Exercise #8

By : Kenneth Saunders

Exercise #1
Find at least five navigation/design mistakes
1. Page has not been updated recently.
2. On the Lawn Care FAQ's button the font changes on mouse over.
3. Text wraped around the image on the Landscaping page.
4. Too much text on the pricing page.
5. The graphics on the main page don't look professional.
6. Animated gif on the homepage isn's needed. 
7. Font size for the links on the Tree services page is is too large.
8. The title on the landscaping page is in a different color.
9. Error in the title bar on the Tree Services page.

Exercise #2
Fix the graphic spacing

Exercise #3
Find at least five accessibility mistakes
1. On the pricing page there is too much italic text it's a little hard to read.
2. On the Tree Services page the links are not obvious. They apear to be only bullet points.
3. The Pricing title blinks.
4. The e-mail link on the main page isn't easy to view with it's current color.
5. The text on the Landscaping page wraps around the image. It could be a little harder to read for some users.

Exercise #4
GIF Compression Exercise
images/04menu.gif (Size = 4.5K / 2.2 seconds)

Exercise #5
JPG Compression Exercise
images/80desert.jpg (Size = 7K / 3.5 seconds)

Exercise #6
Find at least five optimization mistakes
1. On the main page the animated gif is unnecessary.
2. The images on the contacts page are also unnecessary, text would have been enough.
3. The images of check marks on the firewood page aren't needed either.
4. No need for the blinking image on the pricing page.
5. Too much text on the pricing page.

Exercise #7
Making Buttons Transparent
"Off Button"
"On Button"

Exercise #8
Colorize interface buttons
(Display will appear reduced to fit within this page)

Slice and complete 00interface1.htm

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