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I would love to add your site to my links page, but only if you link to mine. You can use one of these banners! Thanks:)~

J/C Links

AJ's J/C page You'll love this page, especially if you're a big fan of song lyrics!

Gill's Page This page will keep you occupied for hours. I especially recommend the fanfic, and giggle pics!

Be sure to visit this page! It has great fan fic and graphics.

This is a great page, filled with an awesome assortment of links.

You must read "Yesterday's Terrors", it is quite simply my favorite fan fiction! Carolyn is an awesome writter.

Voyager Links

Dedicated to another of my favorite Voyager couples, Doc/7!

This place is lots of fun, and full of wonderful pics!

This is a great page dedicated to voyager, but with a J/C slant.

This cute site belongs to one of my fellow pondies, Jamie! It's a delightful dedication to Kes whom I love and miss.

Star Trek Links

The banner says it all.

This is the best place to get Star Trek images for your web page, and it's free!

Non-Voyager Links

Cheryl's Elfwood Page This is my really awesome friend, Cheryl's, imagnative art page. Here you'll find many well drawn ethereal pictures that she's created.

Nina's Elfwood Page This is another of my really awesome friends page of art. Here you'll find various picture themes including Star Wars.