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~Kim's J/C Page~

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My Voyager Novel. Summary: The crews attepts to find their abducted Captain leads the crew into a dark ocean of fear.

You must visit photo album to see my favorite pictures of the cast and Voyager crew!

This is my J/C's first kiss poll. Vote now, and whichever choice wins gets to be displayed in a future fan fic!

My Voyager episode reviews for season 6 all written by, me!

Visit my J/C fan fic, and I promise that I'll post more soon.

These are my links. Some are J/C, others are Voyager, and some don't have anything to do with Star Trek.

Questions? Comments? I would LOVE to here from you! Just click here and Starfleet Head Quarters will send me your message immediatly.

This is my neglected Ready Room, where I post all of my non-Voyager stuff.

Welcome! I'm Captain Kim is this is my site. Don't forget to check out my Voyager Novel, chapter 5 has just been posted. Also, I have added another fan fic: "In The Mean Time." Please Vote! Go to the J/C poll for details. Also check out my pics, I've added new cast photo's! Any questions or comments? E-mail me, I would love to here from you!

This room is under heavy construction

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Calling all J/Cers!!
Please support our writing campaign. Write letters explaining why J/C should happen to Sci-Fi magazines, TV Guide, etc., and of course to Paramount. Also write to Kate Mulgrew and Robert Beltran.
We can make it happen!
NOTE: Please do not flame, that is not our purpose. We are here to let everyone know that we believe in J/C and hope to make it happen

Click here for more information.
