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Shannon's Goofy Home Page

This page last updated on April 24, 1999
This is my first try at a home page. Does it look goofy? That's ok, it's probably Clayton's fault! If it does look silly, don't despair, I change and update it ever so often -- check it regularly for new stuff!

So, you're probably asking yourself, who is this Shannon person and why does she think she needs a goofy web page? Well, if you want to know more about me, go to the next page and you'll be able to read all you ever wanted to know about some girl named Shannon. (Well, all you're willing to read is of course limited to all I'm willing to post. If you're one of those nosy people you're gonna be dissapointed.)

Ok, to answer your original question, I think I finally decided to make a web page because:

Ok, so none of those answers is entirely correct, or entirely wrong. Pick the one you like, I guess.

I think a lot of my motive for creating a page was because of my involvement in Tau Beta Sigma. Tau Beta is the National Honorary Band Sorority, and works to promote college band programs (along with a lot of other neat stuff). If you visit this page regularly, you will notice that I haven't updated it for a while (a while being close to a month). That is because earlier this April, after serving for two years, I turned over the title of Midwest District President. I am now a certified District Has-Been! Being in Tau Beta takes up plenty of time, but it is by far the most rewarding experience I've ever had.

What else takes up my time? Well, I work at Fashion Bug, I teach color guard at Marysville High School, I have a attention-monger cat named Norm, I spend about an hour a day commuting from my new old house in Milford, and oh yea, I like to get some sleep once in a while too.

Send me some email!
