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With the MPG revolution taking effect in the Kinder Surprise world from the start of the 2004/05 season onwards, it became necessary to create a new sub-section specifically for this new line. There is no more K series; it stopped at K04. There are no more German toys; the 2003/04 season was the last to feature a separate German line. Instead, all Europe is now getting the same set of toys, with a new numbering system (starting from “C01” for 2004/05 and from “S01” for 2005/06) and MPG stamped on them, rather than “Ferrero” or a K number. The “C” or “S” number is also stamped on the toys and printed on the paper, like the K numbers of old. One important point to note is that on 2004/05 German papers, the “C” number has a hyphen – e.g. “C-50”. Also, German papers have the series name and toy name, just as they have always done. In papers issued in other countries, the number has no hyphen, so “C50” or whatever. Series and toys are not named as they are in German papers. But all toys, regardless of the country they are issued in, have a “C” number with hyphen. This also applies to hand-painted sets such as Polar Express and The Incredibles. The same is true for the “S” and “2S” series. However, the TT series does NOT have a hyphen for the most part. Nor does the NV series, or any of the subsequent series, in fact.


Although the toys are pretty well uniform irrespective of the country in which they are issued, the same cannot be said for the papers. As well as German papers, there are French papers and more neutral West and East European papers. The way to tell the last two apart is that West European papers have the Magic Kinder Magicode logo, whereas the East European papers do not. The “S” series papers follow the same pattern. Last but not least are Kinder Joy papers, which are the plainest of all. These appeared with the C toys that were issued in New Zealand. The early series also had Argentine papers, which were also quite plain.


Scroll down to see the MPG toys in my collection. I have pretty complete sets of the early series, but in more recent years, only a handful from each year.


TOTAL: 1,295

Originals: 887

Duplicates: 408


“C” Series: 2004/05


“S” Series: 2005/06


“2S/ST” Series: 2006/07


“TT” Series: 2007/08


“NV” Series: 2008/09


“DE” Series: 2009/10


“UN” Series: 2010/11


“DC” Series: 2011/12


“TR” Series: 2012/13


“FT” Series: 2013/14


“FF” Series: 2014/15


FS Series: 2015/16 ***NEW***


SD Series: 2016/17 ***NEW***


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