January 28th, 2007 - Our 11th Celebration of Scottish Culture
Brought to you by Lawrence Scots - www.LawrenceScots.Org
Photos by Eileen Young & Larry Carter

The Festival - Traditional Scottish

As usual, Rocky Road Bakeries (also known as Cordelia Brown) went all out with the traditional Scottish treats.

Eileen Young (Clan McIntyre & Sutherland) took many of these photos and, with Julie Anderson, took charge of the ticket table. Our Robert Burns t-shirts are on sale at the concert, with proceeds going toward next year's celebration.

The festival portion was a good time for friends to discuss Clans and Tartans while listening to the jam session and the pipers.

As always, thanks to Peggy Baker, returning for her 5th year to share her knowledge of Clan Heritage. We had at least 20 Clans join us in the Blessing of the Tartans.

We were treated to an outstanding Celtic jam session by some of the top traditional players in the Kansas City & Lawrence area. Our thanks to Willy Peterson (bodhran), Mike Dugger (button accordion), Dave Agee (fiddle), Keith Van Winkle (fiddle), Gordon Bearrs (guitar) and Frank Shopen (mandolin). You guys were HOT!

Tom Averill, Bill Read and Dana Morris again represented Topeka's Pipers of the Plains with music during both the festival and concert.

We were joined for the first time by representatives from the Kansas City Scottish Highland Games. Our thanks to Lori and Kevin Henderson for bringing in "hands on" equipment from the athletic events. Lori said that next year they might bring in a caber!

The Concert - Trad & Contemp Scottish

Rather than his standard Burns Heritage, this year we asked Rev. Douglas Phenix to share his memories of growing up in Scotland during the 1940s and 1950s. His song choice surprised us all!
Oh! Campbeltown Loch, Ah wish ye were whisky!
Campbeltown Loch, Och Aye!
Campbeltown Loch, I wish ye were whisky!
Ah wid drink ye dry.

Andy Stewart, 1960

Forest Green made their grand entrance, only to discover their guest bodhran player was missing. Where's Willy? After audience members formed a search party, he showed up shaking his watch.

Let us pray that come what may
As come it will for all that.
That sense and worth upon this earth
Shall come to pass for all that.
For brothers be, for all that.
Robert Burns, 1795

Forest Green performed a classical piano piece Cordelia adapted for harp and accordion that was composed by contemporary Scottish composer Peter Maxwell Davies. This piece, Farewell to Stromness, helped save this small town in the Orkney Islands from a proposed uranium mining operation.

Maria conducted the Haggis Ceremony:
Auld Scotland wants nae skinking ware
That jaups in luggies;
But, if ye wish her gratefu' prayer
Gie her a haggis!

Robert Burns, 1786

After audience members sampled the haggis during intermission, Uncle Dirtytoes rocked the house!

This was the first year Maria & Megan performed with their full band. We hope it's a new tradition!

Megan and Roger traded hot leads on violin & electric guitar during "The Piper of Dundee"

I accept this ceremonial sword, presented by Jeff Eubanks on behalf of Lawrence Scots, as a reminder that, as the current producer of Lawrence Scottish Fest, I will execute the duties of this office with integrity and honor.

And ther's a hand, my trusty friend,
And gie's a hand o' thine...
We'll tak a cup of kindness yet
For auld lang syne.
Robert Burns, 1788

As always, we all gathered on stage for the finale, "Auld Lang Syne."

Well done, Lawrence Scots!

Join us again the last Sunday in January, 2008 when special guest Connie Dover returns.

Missouri Valley Folklife Society
Presenting Celtic concerts by Misla, Liz Carroll, and more.

Selling all types of British goods in downtown Lawrence.

Community Mercantile
Lawrence's cooperatively owned grocery store,
encouraging personal, community and environmental health.

Mass Street Music
Dealer of fine guitars, mandolins, amplifiers and more.

Lawrence Old Guard Productions

Larry Carter – Producer, Programs, Posters, Promotion, Webmaster

Cordelia Brown – Rocky Road Bakeries

Jeff Eubanks – Ceremonial Guard and Raffle Master

Alonzo Beardshear – master of Sound and Lights

Eileen Young and Julie Anderson– Box Office, Sales table and Photos

Mark Gottschall – Video cameras

Bob Brown, Carolyn Brown & Pat Brown – General assistance

Kenny Wood and James Harmon - General assistance

In Order of Appearance

Traditional Celtic Jam Session
Mike Dugger, Dave Agee, Gordon Bearrs, Keith Van Winkle, Frank Shopen, and Willy Peterson. (As one festival-goer stopped me to exclaim, "Who ARE these guys? They sound GREAT!")

Thomas Fox Averill - Pipers of the Plains
Tom is an English professor at Washburn University, writer and Robert Burns enthusiast. His 2003 novel, The Slow Air of Ewan MacPherson, is a tribute to all things Scottish: haggis, Burns, whisky and bagpipes. He has been a piper for over a dozen years, playing with “Pipers of the Plains” in Topeka, Kansas.

Bill Read - Pipers of the Plains
Bill is a founding member (30 years) and the current Pipe Major for "Pipers of the Plains." He also has played for the Kansas National Guard (Pipe Major, 635th Armored Regiment), Topeka's St Andrews Society, the inaugurals for at least four Kansas governors, and innumerable weddings.

Dana Morris - Pipers of the Plains
Dana has long been a member of the Pipers of the Plains, joining after his retirement.

Peggy Baker - Celtic Heritage Booth
Peggy is highly respected among Scots in this area, having served for many years as the Clan Row Coordinator for the Kansas City Scottish Highland Games. She can help answer questions regarding clan genealogy and Celtic heritage.

Lori and Kevin Henderson - Kansas City Scottish Highland Games
Lori and Kevin are the Athletic Directors at the Highland Games. They brought in a variety of "hands on" athletic equipment. Next year they say they might bring in a caber!

Rev. Douglas Phenix - Heritage and guest with Forest Green
A Glasgow native and Presbyterian minister, Douglas did his theological training at Glasgow University and in New York City during the 1960’s. He is a member of the Topeka Saint Andrew Society. He will be blessing the tartans, delivering the “Burns Heritage,” reading selected Burns poems, and leading a sing-along.

Larry Carter - Master of Ceremonies, Forest Green, guest with Uncle Dirtytoes
This is Larry’s 5th year producing this event. He also produces the weekly “Tuesday Folk” concert series downtown and “Carter Hall Performers,” a theater troupe that performs a musical he wrote. Besides Forest Green, he performs solo on improvisational folk piano, guitar and baritone cittern. He is “The Computer Lab Guy” at Free State High School.

Cordelia Brown - Forest Green
Cordelia spent much of the last week in her kitchen baking tonight’s Scottish treats. In addition to Forest Green, she performs solo on harp and piano. Cordelia is well-known for her weekday afternoon classical music program on Kansas Public Radio.

Kelly Dougherty - Guest with Forest Green
Kelly spent over 10 years touring the region with the Celtic group Shenanigans. She is currently working with Glen Road and has formed a new group, appropriately named "Kelly," and is in the progress of producing a new CD. Her vocal style lends to all influences including, Mary Black, Maddy Prior, Stevie Nicks and Emmylou Harris.

Willy Peterson - Guest with Forest Green
Willy has long been performing on bodhran, including for many years with the Celtic band Boys of the Prairie. He currently performs with a wide variety of Kansas City musicians, extending the bodhran's range to include rock and Southern blues. Willy organized tonight’s Celtic jam session.

Maria Anthony - Haggis Ceremony, Uncle Dirtytoes
Maria has produced and recorded four CDs. In the 1990’s she established the tradition of Robert Burns celebrations in Lawrence. In 2003, she received a Kansas Arts Commission Fellowship award for her work “Kentigern: St Mungo of Scotland.” She currently enjoys performing Beatles music in "Vera, Chuck and Dave" and learning to play the sitar.

Megan Hurt - Uncle Dirtytoes
Megan is a founding member of Uncle Dirtytoes, the Sirens, and of the Switch, one of the very few local, alternative groups to feature a (heavily amplified) violin. She also sometimes performs with “Vera, Chuck & Dave,” and as a duo with Darrell Lea. She owns a most impressive collection of hats. Megan teaches French at Lawrence High School.

Mark von Schlemmer - Uncle Dirtytoes
Mark is a filmmaker and Emmy-award winning television producer. After producing Speakers Corner for KCTV5 in Kansas City for two years, he is now a freelance film and video producer/director and graphic/web designer. He created & produced the arts show “Silhouettes” on Lawrence cable tv and the Harvest of Arts Film Festival.

Roger Holden - Uncle Dirtytoes
Roger is president of 21st Century Sound and Vision, Inc., an audio/visual research and development company in Lawrence. He collaborated on art projects several times with the late William Burroughs. He also plays guitar with Melvin Litton in Border Blues

Mike Fitzgerald - Uncle DIrtytoes
Mike, wrangler of children and keeper of the beat, is an original member of Lawrence's cow-funk band, the Lonesome Houndogs, and sits in occasionally with various groups around the Lawrence area

Barry Barnes - Uncle DIrtytoes
Barry is a poet, performance artist, percussionist, blue collar worker and very lucky MOOsician who plays with the Bopophonics, Uncle Dirty Toes, and Billy Eberling and the Late for Dinner Band. He previously hosted a monthly poetry jam.

Darrell Lea - Guest with Uncle Dirtytoes
Darrell has been the lead guitarist in some of the best rock bands to have come out of this area over the last 20 years, including LA Ramblers, The Deal, and Tofu Teddy. He currently performs in Vera, Chuck and Dave and The New Alligators. A former member of Uncle Dirtytoes, he is graciously filling in tonight for Maria on guitar.

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